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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

The gift of a household water filter will help children access safe drinking water both at their home and in school, and help them avoid diarrhoea and other life-threatening waterborne illnesses.

“My family is very busy in farming work, so we drink water directly from the collected well. Sometimes, it causes my family and I have diarrhoea or dysentery. When my family members get sick, I spend a lot of time to cure the sickness, and I spend lots of money, too. Recently, ChildFund Cambodia starts working in my village and helps my village to understand about the water and sanitation in day to day living. After I received the water filter from ChildFund, I followed the technical instruction on how to use it by putting the filter pot into the water and keep it for one day. After that, I poured the water in the filter pot and filter the water out for five times. When the water was good I my family members to drink the water from the water filter without any being concerned about diarrhoea.”

– Yan

Poverty prevents many families in Cambodia from outfitting their children with basic learning materials. Disadvantaged families cannot afford school kits or school uniforms and children standing out in the crowd feel isolated, excluded and deprived.

To improve school attendance rates, school kits – including notebooks, textbooks, full pencil cases, a school bag and a school uniform – have been distributed to the children most in need.

“Providing tools for better education can bring new hope and dignity to thousands of children. Pens, pencils and a school bag – these ordinary things become extraordinary when they are assembled and can make a real difference to children’s futures, by enabling them to go to school”.

– Sophiep, Program Manager, ChildFund Cambodia