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Tears well in nine-year-old Chantrea’s eyes as she describes her childhood before she was diagnosed with a hearing problem.

How a hearing problem affects a child at school

At school, she felt like she was a distraction in the classroom, constantly asking other students to repeat what the teacher was saying.

“It was hard to hear the teacher teaching and to follow the lesson,” she says.

“My classmates would get frustrated when I asked them what the teacher said. Sometimes, they would just ignore me.”

At home, her parents thought she was not paying them any respect.

“I thought she was lazy and pretended not to hear when I called her,” Chantrea’s mother says.

Many children in developing countries don’t know they have a hearing problem

Like many children living with disability in developing countries like Cambodia, Chantrea had no idea about why she was facing these challenges.

Disability affects nearly 10% of world population, 80% of whom live in developing countries like Cambodia.

Children face social stigma and a constant lack of opportunity

Children like Chantrea often face social stigma and are unable to reach their potential if they are not diagnosed.

Socheata can hear in class thanks to ChildFund Cambodia

They can lack equal access to education, training and development. This lack of opportunity can mean they are unable to participate in activities that can enhance their knowledge, confidence and self-esteem.

Chantrea was diagnosed with a hearing problem when ChildFund arranged for her to see a specialist

Chantrea’s hearing problem was diagnosed when ChildFund Cambodia arranged for her to see a hearing specialist through its local partner, Krousar Thmey.

When Angkearith from Krousar Thmey diagnosed Chantrea with a hearing problem, he informed her mother, who instantly changed her attitude towards her daughter.

Socheata can hear in class thanks to ChildFund Cambodia
Chantrea can hear in class thanks to ChildFund Cambodia

“My neighbours and I never knew about things such as hearing problems and we didn’t know where to get support,” Channy says.

“Now, I am so relieved I know. I will help to spread the word about such services to my neighbours and friends.”

Changing community attitudes toward children with living with disability

Changing community attitudes towards children living with disability helps to create a more inclusive environment, so children are not as vulnerable.

ChildFund also works closely with teachers to help identify children with special needs. These children can then be referred to Krousar Thmey where they can undertake tests.

Chantrea was fitted with a new hearing aid and she can now hear everything her teacher says in class. She says the new hearing aid will help her reach her potential at school.

“I want to be an outstanding student,” Chantrea says. “Now that I can hear, I can do that.”

You can change the life of a child

Every child needs a friend like you. Around 150 million children globally live with disability, and 80% of people living with disability are in developing countries. 

You can help a child living with disability gain independence, remain in school and receive the assistance they need.

ChildFund Cambodia is helping to boost the stocks of qualified teachers in rural areas by providing scholarships in remote villages.

With the support of the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP), the project has already helped to train 45 young teachers in areas where there are shortages of quality teachers and schools are under-resourced.

Although the right to a basic education is constitutionally guaranteed to every Cambodian child, a considerable gap remains between policy and reality.

ChildFund is partnering with communities and the Cambodian government to close the gap.

Why Cambodia has a teacher shortage

The root cause of the gap between education policy and reality in schools involves a complex interaction between supply and demand factors.

Teacher shortages and rudimentary educational facilities are prominent supply-side factors that have impeded quality and participation rates in Cambodia’s education system.

Low pay and a lack of opportunities to learn basic teaching skills are among the factors deterring new teachers from entering the workforce. Furthermore, many graduates cannot afford to be properly trained.

Improving teacher capacity is key to the Cambodian government’s education policy.

Becoming a government-approved teacher is a rigorous process. If candidates are interested, they apply to take a national teacher’s examination. If they pass this exam they are admitted into a national teacher training college centre, where they undertake a two-year course.

Many candidates must relocate to be closer to the centre because there are only a few centres in Cambodia. It is a large undertaking for an individual requiring extensive training and significant funding.

How ChildFund helps educate new teachers

ChildFund Cambodia has been long-time supporter of working with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport in to achieve national education goals.

The success of New Generation Schools and the Easy-2-Learn projects have already demonstrated the strength of this partnership, Minister of Education, Youth and Sport Hang Chuon Naron said.

“I am highly appreciative of the support from ChildFund which help the government to implement our educational reform policies especially the expanding of Easy to Learn project, a project that engage community to ensure effective learning and teaching,” he said.

ChildFund Cambodia decided to work in areas with a severe teacher shortage and where Easy-2-Learn is already present.

In these areas, ChildFund has a strong knowledge of potential candidates for the programme, established resources, personnel, and connections with the community.

The best and brightest young adults were found and trained as Community Teachers.

Since ChildFund is already working in these areas, it was easier to identify the prospective community teachers.

ChildFund provided a basic salary and led the vital training that allowed 45 young men and women to gain experience in teaching.

After dedicated mentoring, these teachers were encouraged to take the entrance exam to attend the training college centres that will allow them to become a state-qualified teacher.

All of ChildFund-selected community teachers passed and were accepted. As they underwent their two years of state-led training, ChildFund provided each individual with a $600 scholarship to help them cover essentials and transportation.

ChildFund’s support helps significantly alleviate the initial financial obstacles that might have deterred them from training to become a government certified teacher.

Meng is a teacher in Cambodia supported by ChildFund
Meng, 22, is keen to help his community after ChildFund Cambodia supported his teacher training.

“I am happy to be able to help my community and feel proud that a child from this village grew to become a teacher of the school,” said Meng, 22, who graduated teacher from the Svay Rieng school where he got support from ChildFund the whole two years.

Now, there are more than 45 talented young men and women who are qualified teachers. They work in remote schools throughout the country and are fully supported by the Cambodian government.

ChildFund Cambodia believes investing in young teachers is a sustainable method of ensuring quality education is available for every child in Cambodia.