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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

During the summers of her childhood in Sydney, Carla remembers the children in her neighbourhood and at school having an abundance of strawberries to eat. At home, her mum would make sure she and her three older siblings would have at least a strawberry each so they wouldn’t feel left out.

“We lived in an affluent area so the other kids’ families could afford heaps of strawberries, whereas we couldn’t,” Carla says.

Her parents started a life in Australia with “little to nothing” after fleeing civil war in Lebanon in the 1980s, says Carla, who is now 28 years old. After finding temporary refuge in the United States, they eventually settled in Australia, where they worked long hours, and fought through language and cultural barriers, to raise Carla, her sister and her two brothers (pictured above).

“We didn’t have a lot of money,” Carla says. “When we were kids, there was a lot of things we could not afford. My parents always worked really hard to make sure we didn’t miss out, and it was always instilled in us to enjoy what we have.”

Carla says her parents and the challenges of her childhood taught her the values of respect, hard work, perseverance, and gratitude. Her parents took the opportunities they had living in Australia, and were determined to create a better life for themselves and their children.

Carla’s older siblings are now pursuing their dreams: her oldest brother works in law enforcement, her other brother is a graphic designer and runs his own business, and her sister is a nurse. The past several years Carla has worked in the events industry. “We didn’t come from a lot but, in our own right, we now play a big part in our society,” Carla says.

From ChildFund supporter to employee

Today, Carla is helping to give children in need the opportunities she and her family were lucky to have had.

She has been a child sponsor with ChildFund Australia over the past six years, helping children access essentials such as health care, education and protection. In 2021 she joined ChildFund’s supporter relations team in Sydney as an employee.

“Giving back is ingrained in me,” Carla says. “It’s something I’m passionate about, and it’s been enriched by my parents and what they’ve taught me.

Carla with a photo of her sponsored child. Carla sponsored children through ChildFund Australia for six years before joining the organisation as an employee in 2021. “Being involved with a charity and giving back has opened my eyes.”

“I am lucky to have been born and to live in Australia. I’ve been able to take the opportunities I’ve been given and experienced, and to grow a lot.

“Child sponsorship is my way of giving back and to help create opportunities for someone else.

“It doesn’t matter where you come from, if you have the opportunities and take them, then there is the ability to get to where you want to go.”

Carla hopes her sponsored child, eight-year-old Alviena, from the Philippines, grows up to be independent. “I hope she will be able to be educated, earn a living, start a family, and achieve whatever she puts her mind to.”

Supporting an international charity like ChildFund, and learning about the problems that many children living in poverty face, has helped broaden Carla’s views of the world and put issues, such as the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia, into perspective.

“Being involved with a charity and giving back has opened my eyes,” Carla says. “We were worried about the number of COVID cases in Australia, but families overseas couldn’t even get vaccines or proper health care.

“If you’re in the position where you can give – even if it’s a tiny bit of money – why wouldn’t you? If the day comes when you need support, hopefully someone will do the same in return.”

After a tough year because of the COVID-19 pandemic, a gym in Victoria is giving back to children and their families in Zambia in the lead up to Christmas.

Despite facing challenges from the ongoing lockdowns, members of Be Strong Fitness Geelong have come together to raise money for a school in Zambia.

The primary school, a run-down concrete classroom in a remote community east of the capital, Lusaka, is close to Be Strong Fitness Geelong co-director Joanne’s heart.

For two years the mother-of-four has been sponsoring, through ChildFund Australia, seven-year-old Flavian, who attends the school.

Through Facebook and emails, Joanne asked gym members to contribute to a group donation. Together, Be Strong Fitness Geelong members raised $550, which will be used to repair and upgrade Flavian’s primary school as well as provide students and teachers with blackboards.

Joanne says the decision to reach out to members and organise a community fundraiser for Flavian and his community was easy. It was a simple way to make a difference in the lives of many children.

“Be Strong Fitness Geelong is a strong family-valued community,” she says.  “Flavian and his community have become part of our family community here, and being able to contribute to Flavian and his community is a very rewarding feeling.”

“I was so proud of every member of our gym for the contribution they were able to put forward, especially with the current climate affecting a lot of people financially,” Joanne says.

The funds raised by Be Strong Fitness Geelong, in Victoria, will be used to upgrade seven-year-old Flavian’s primary school in Zambia.

The Be Strong Fitness Geelong community has long supported children’s charities and causes in Australia and overseas, says Joanne. “We do a few pop-up fundraisers though the fitness industry and help out where we can with local families or community events.

“We have stayed away from the more traditional style gyms and have targeted inclusion and family groups.  We reach out to kids and teens to give them a safe, healthy and inviting place to hang out with friends.”

Joanne’s right-hand and the gym’s community fundraiser co-ordinator, Katherine, says she was surprised to see images of Flavian’s school.

“It looked quite run-down,” Katherine says. “It just shows how lucky we are to have what we have here, and made me feel good that we could support Flavian and his community.

“Fundraising has always been a big part of the Be Strong community. We’ve had fundraisers for different charities. I think it’s important. We try to be a very community-based gym and give back and do lots of things locally.

“We’re very lucky, especially this time of the year.”

The Be Strong Fitness gym community. Gym co-director Joanne says: “Everyone working for one cause to help bring some joy to another person and their community builds camaraderie.”

With the success of the recent online fundraiser, Be Strong Fitness Geelong are hoping to run more fundraising events in the new year. Some ideas on the table include movie and raffle nights.

“I am hoping with less restrictions, we can run an event to help raise funds and make it a little more interactive,” Joanne says.

“Our gym works hard to support everyone in their goals and in life. Everyone working for one cause to help bring some joy to another person and their community builds camaraderie.

“Seeing how the funds can help Flavian’s community has been very overwhelming. Our members are very proud to have the opportunity to help.”