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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

It’s almost time! Santa’s sleigh is loading up with presents to be delivered to children around the world, and he’s assigned you a vital task as we draw nearer to Christmas: to deliver joy to children in need by donating a charity Christmas gift from our Gifts for Good catalogue. 

Every gift, big or small, makes a difference for a child in poverty. If you haven’t finished your Christmas gift shopping, still have stockings and baskets to fill or would simply like to give a more meaningful gift this year, take up Santa’s challenge and join us for a twelve day countdown to Christmas!

For each day we’ve chosen a charity donation Christmas gift that we believe makes a big difference in the communities where we work. We hope you’ll share the true spirit of Christmas this year by giving a gift that helps to build a brighter future for children. 

Day 1. Gift a mosquito net

On the first day of Christmas, a kind person gave to me… a mosquito and malaria net to keep me malaria-free.

How does donating a mosquito net help children in need?

Mosquito nets draped over beds and cots are a proven method of keeping children safe from malaria-carrying mosquitos, particularly in the tropical climates of Africa and South East Asia.

Day 2. Gift a handwashing station

On the second day of Christmas, a kind person gave to me… a handwashing station to keep my hands germ-free.

How does donating a handwashing station help children in need?

Hand hygiene is essential to stopping the spread of infectious diseases in developing communities, including COVID-19. A handwashing station provides access to clean water and soap for children to wash their hands, which significantly improves their health and hygiene.


Day 3. Gift school supplies

On the third day of Christmas, a kind person gave to me… school supplies to help me tackle poverty.

How does donating school supplies help children in need?

Many parents can’t afford the essentials their child needs to excel in school. When you donate a set of school supplies, your charity gift provides a young student with pens, pencils, notebooks and other stationery that they can use in the classroom.

Day 4. Gift a bike and helmet

On the fourth day of Christmas, a kind person gave to me… a bike to help me get to school safely.

How does donating a bike and helmet help children in need?

A bike isn’t just for fun or exercise. In developing communities, a bicycle can be an essential mode of transport, especially for children living in remote areas. Without a bike, children can struggle to attend school. Your charity gift could help a child get to class safely and on time, every day. 

Day 5. Gift a COVID-19 protection kit

On the fifth day of Christmas, a kind person gave to me… a COVID-19 protection kit to help keep me virus free.

How does donating a COVID-19 protection kit help children in need?

Clinics in developing communities desperately need medicines and supplies to stop the spread of COVID-19 in its tracks, as well as other necessities to continue the fight against other life-threatening diseases that are already widespread. 

Your charity gift will restock a health station at a local clinic, providing personal protective equipment, medicines and other supplies. 

Day 6. Gift a dairy goat

On the sixth day of Christmas, a kind person gave to me… a dairy goat whose milk will keep me healthy. 

How does donating a dairy goat help children in need?

A goat provides a family with nutritious dairy products, such as milk, cheese and yoghurt. Dairy is an essential component of diet in many communities and surplus products can be sold to pay for essential household items and cover the costs of a child’s education.


Day 7. Gift fruit trees and vegetable seeds

On the seventh day of Christmas, a kind person gave to me… fruit trees to feed me and my family. 

How does donating fruit trees and vegetable seeds help children in need?

Home grown gardens are a lasting source of nutrition for families in developing communities. By gifting fruit trees and vegetable seeds, you’ll help provide a nutritious supply of natural foods that will keep children healthy and ensure they grow up strong.


Day 8. Gift a dozen chickens

On the eighth day of Christmas, a kind person gave to me… a dozen chickens which provide eggs daily. 

How does donating a dozen chickens help children in need?

Chickens provide families with eggs for the entire family to enjoy, or to be sold for extra income. Eggs are a valuable source of protein, which is vital for children’s health and development. 

Day 9. Gift a scholarship

On the ninth day of Christmas, a kind person gave to me… a scholarship to help me read and write properly.

How does donating a scholarship help children in need?

Donating a scholarship to a child in need will pay for their tuition and all essential school expenses for an entire year of study. Helping a child continue with their education is one of the most meaningful ways you can make a difference this Christmas.


Day 10. Gift a Furry Friends bundle

On the tenth day of Christmas, a kind person gave to me … some furry friends who will help support my family.

How does donating farm animals help children in need?

Each of these furry friends has a different part to play in supporting a family in need. Chickens provide children with nutritious eggs, a source of protein that’s essential for healthy development. Pig manure can be used to fertilise vegetable gardens, while sheep will provide a family with wool that can be used to knit warm clothing and blankets for winter. 

Day 11. Gift vocational training and tools

On the eleventh day of Christmas. a kind person gave to me… training and tools to help upskill me.  

How does donating vocational training help a child in need?

Donating specialised training will help a young person learn new skills and become self-reliant, which makes this the gift of a lifetime! Next to a scholarship, vocational training and equipment means the opportunity to create a better life for themself and their family.


Day 12. Gift a classroom

On the twelfth day of Christmas, a kind person built for me… a classroom where I can become who I want to be. 

How will donating a classroom help children in need?

By funding the construction of a new classroom, you will create a legacy of lasting change for a developing community. A new classroom is a safe, child-friendly space. It’s fully stocked with everything a teacher needs to plan engaging lessons, and for children to learn about the world and themselves. 

Join us for a Christmas charity gift countdown!

It’s twelve days until Christmas, but it’s not too early or too late to make a charity donation as a Christmas gift to family or friends. Remember to personalise your choice of charity gifts to the interests of your recipient, which will make your donation as meaningful as it can be. 

You can also join us for our countdown to Christmas by sharing our gift catalogue with friends or shouting out to us on social media. Together we can make a difference and work towards reducing poverty overseas. 

At ChildFund, we’re all about giving gifts this Christmas that don’t end up in the garbage or forgotten by February. There are many thoughtful and cost-effective ways to show your love and appreciation for your friends and family members, while also being ethical. You just need to know where to start and what to look out for.

To help, we’re sharing five easy ways to be more ethical this festive season, including meaningful gift ideas that could bring a lifetime of joy to children and families in need.

Here are our top five tips:

1. Avoid gift vouchers

Did you know that Australians waste $70 million every year on unused gift cards? Don’t be caught throwing your money down the drain this Christmas. Instead, why not buy a present that can transform the life of a child, their family and community? Our Gifts for Good catalogue is full of ethical and life-changing Christmas gift options for you to choose from, including:

2. Recycle your wrapping paper

Speaking of waste, wrapping paper certainly doesn’t help matters. But you can reduce, reuse and recycle your festive paper this year by making more conscious choices. Here are some of our top tips:

  1. The Scrunch Test

Wrapping paper can be recycled if it passes the ‘Scrunch Test’ – if your wrapping paper can be made into a ball, and stay that way, then it’s a safe bet for recycling. (Note: Plain paper can be recycled, but foil or glitter-decorated paper needs to go in the general waste!) Alternatively, opt for festive recycled paper. You can find some fun Aussie-recycled wrapping paper on Buy Eco Green.

  1. Check your paper (and then check it again)

To make sure your recycling doesn’t end up in landfill, remove any sticky tape and decorations, such as ribbons and bows, as these can’t be recycled. It takes two minutes!

  1. No wrapping necessary

Giving a Gift for Good, such as a bike, this Christmas cuts down on rubbish presents and helps change a child’s life.