ChildFund Pass It Back announced as IMPACT Beyond Rugby World Cup 2019 partner

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21 May 2017: World Rugby, Asia Rugby and the Japan Rugby Football Union today launched the legacy program for the Rugby World Cup in Japan, 2019.

ChildFund Pass It Back, alongside other regional rugby programs, has been named as a key partner, and will support World Rugby in its objectives to grow the game in Asia while also achieving important social outcomes for disadvantaged communities.

IMPACT Beyond programs are run alongside all major World Rugby events and focus on development, participation, coaching, volunteering and business programs to support the growth of the game. This includes a target of inspiring one million new rugby players in Asia by 2020.

World Rugby Chairman Bill Beaumont said: “A truly sustainable legacy should be a central thought, not an afterthought when it comes to major event planning and the IMPACT Beyond 2019 programme sets out exciting participation, coaching, administrative and fan-engagement targets for the world’s most populous region by the time it hosts its first Rugby World Cup in 2019.”

ChildFund Pass it Back is an innovative Sport for Development program which uses rugby to equip children and young people in Asia to overcome challenges, inspire positive social change and ‘pass it back’ to their communities. With a strong focus on gender equity, half of all players and coaches are female.

As part of the IMPACT Beyond strategy, ChildFund Pass It Back is being expanded in Laos and Vietnam, and being introduced to other countries in Asia. The program is led by ChildFund in partnership with World, Rugby, Asia Rugby, ChildFund Japan and Women Win.

Nigel Spence, CEO of ChildFund Australia, said: “We are very excited to partner with World Rugby. The ChildFund Pass It Back program was established for children in remote, disadvantaged communities, who face significant challenges around poverty and inequality.

“Through our involvement in IMPACT Beyond 2019, not only will thousands of children and youth have the opportunity to learn the skills of rugby and take part in organised sport – often for the first time – but they will also benefit from a valuable life skills curriculum which will inspire them to become strong leaders and role models within their communities.”

The 2017 Budget continues to under-invest in one of Australia’s greatest assets.

The Government’s 2017 Budget will pass on inflationary increases for overseas development assistance (ODA) for the next two years, providing a temporary reprieve to an aid budget which has been slashed by more than $11bn in the last four years.

However, from mid 2019, a two-year freeze on aid indexation will result in a further reduction of $303m. While the budget papers do not make it clear how the Government intends to use these savings, it is rumoured that monies will be diverted to fund other government priorities.

Nigel Spence, CEO of ChildFund Australia, said: “The Government’s decision is bitterly disappointing and clearly fails to recognise that Australian Aid is one of our country’s most strategic assets. Not only does it improve conditions for the world’s poorest, it serves Australia’s interests by fostering economic growth in the region, creating new markets, building human capital and reducing the risks of conflict and displacement.

“Australian Aid also has a significant role in the war on terror. By reducing poverty, increasing access to education and improving living standards, Australian Aid counteracts the environments where violent extremism can take hold and thrive.”

As an embodiment of ‘soft’ diplomacy within our foreign policy framework, Australian Aid enhances national security efforts. Stronger relationships in the region allow Australia to contribute to better governance, thereby creating greater political stability. Increased economic prosperity among our neighbours reduces the risks of conflict, displacement and rising extremism.

Mr Spence added: “The assumption that the Australian Aid program is unimportant to Australia’s foreign policy goals, including overcoming terrorism, is misguided.”

International development programs consistently highlight the effective role that Australian Aid plays in building stable societies.

Mr Spence said: “Yet again, our aid program has been viewed as disposable. This is despite the fact that we are living in a period of heightened global uncertainty – a time of worsening conditions for vulnerable children around the globe.

“Diverting aid funds will likely serve to increase threats to our national security and ignores the important contribution that Australian Aid makes – not only to families living in poverty, but in building a region in which all Australians can feel safe, secure and protected.”