Domestic violence helpline in Papua New Guinea to expand during COVID-19 pandemic

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The COVID-19 crisis has prompted an urgent expansion of a counselling helpline used to provide support to people experiencing gender-based violence in Papua New Guinea (PNG).

ChildFund has partnered with UNICEF to rapidly expand its free, national helpline 1-Tok Kaunselin Helpim Lain (715-08000).

This is a confidential phone counselling service established in 2015 by ChildFund PNG in response to PNG’s endemic levels of family violence. In 2019, Helpline staff responded to more than 23,000 calls.

Located in Port Moresby, helpline counsellors trained by ChildFund provide immediate counselling and referral services for anyone in Papua New Guinea experiencing gender-based violence via a freephone number available nationally.

Callers can seek help on issues ranging from crisis counselling and safety planning to suicide intervention and referral to support services.

In response to the pandemic, and with the support of UNICEF, the service will now increase support to families, specifically children and adolescents, and provide callers with help to handle psychological distress caused by COVID-19 in line with official PNG Government advice. The helpline will also increase the capacity to respond to the potential increase of family violence in the country.

Additional helpline staff have been recruited and trained to manage the increase in the volume of calls related to both family violence, psychosocial distress and COVID-19 enquiries.

ChildFund Australia CEO, Margaret Sheehan said “Communities in PNG already experience high rates of family violence, and the COVID-19 pandemic can exacerbate these tensions.

“The psychological stress on families is enormous, with many parents losing work and facing an uncertain future. Sadly, this may result in more children both experiencing or witnessing abuse in their homes.

“The support from UNICEF means that over the next six months ChildFund can expand the current capacity of the Helpline and increase the number of counsellors and information officers working across two shifts ­– 7am to 3pm and 11am to 7pm –with plans to expand the hours until later at night.

“The expanded Helpline services will give it a broader role and wider reach: not only will it be providing counselling for those experiencing domestic violence, but also vital health advice around COVID-19 and referring callers to national health services where necessary.

“For ChildFund, preventing the spread of COVID-19 is the best course of action in countries like PNG where testing is weak and expensive, and healthcare systems are already stretched.

“Having the increased capacity to provide essential information about COVID-19 to callers is incredibly important, and means we can support the PNG Government health authorities as they work to limit the spread of the virus.”

UNICEF Representative David Mcloughlin said “We welcome the collaboration with ChildFund and recognise the importance of the Helpline to ensure an immediate response to children and adolescents in need of care, protection and support.

“Apart from acting responsibly to be safe from the virus, we need to make sure that children and adolescents are safe from the secondary impacts that the pandemic may have on their psychological wellbeing and on the increase of violence.”

“We want to reassure parents and children that is it normal to feel sad, isolated or even angry. The Helpline will offer support to parents to ease the prolonged distress and help children and adolescents to build resilience for coping with stressful situations. We thank the Government of Japan for the financial support that is making this partnership possible,” Mcloughlin added.

The Helpline service will be promoted in PNG using SMS blasts and radio announcements to ensure that people are able to seek help.

About the Helpline

The 1-Tok Kaunselin Helpim Lain is a partnership between ChildFund and CIMC (FSVAC) and supported by the New Zealand Aid Programme. Since 2015, it has received more than 50,000 calls and partners with over 339 service providers nationwide.

The Joining Forces Alliance, of which ChildFund is a member, and other leading child rights groups have released a new statement calling on governments in Asia to put children’s rights at the heart of all COVID-19 responses.

The group said: “As the world grapples to address the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, there is a growing need for a collective, coherent, and multi-stakeholder response to the pandemic.

“We welcome that the two intergovernmental regional bodies – the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) –  have declared their commitment to take regional-level measures to fight the pandemic and address its impacts.”

The Alliance is calling on ASEAN, SAARC, and their respective Member States to adopt a child rights-based approach, and recommends that they:

  • Address violence against children by allocating a portion of the COVID-19 national and regional response budgets to child protection systems and services.
  • Share experiences, expertise, and good practices on children’s mental health, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and access to water, sanitation, and hygiene to reinforce public health regional cooperation.
  • Include experts on child rights and women’s and girls’ rights in regional coordinating bodies tasked with planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating regional strategies to address the COVID-19 pandemic and future public health emergencies.
  • Ensure food security and nutrition of children when responding to the financial impact of COVID-19 and improving the stability of the regional economy.
  • Provide inclusive access to education as part of the COVID-19 regional response and recovery plan.
  • Ensure that public information campaigns are adopted for children and that children are genuinely consulted in the pandemic response.
  • Strengthen regional child rights efforts by including the perspectives of civil society and children during the COVID-19 crisis

The group notes: “While children have been mainly spared by the virus, the COVID-19 crisis has affected children’s human rights in a number of ways.

“The pandemic and the response to it have profound effects on children’s physical health, mental wellbeing, education, social development, protection, and participation. All children in all countries are affected.”

Read the full statement here.

Joining Forces is an alliance of the six largest child-focused international NGOs: ChildFund Alliance, Plan International, Save the Children International, SOS Children’s Villages International, Terre des Hommes International Federation, and World Vision International.