Australia’s commitment to helping children globally reaches historic low

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Sydney, Australia, 3 May 2016: ChildFund Australia is deeply disappointed that Australia’s life-saving aid program will fall to its lowest funding levels ever, after Treasurer Scott Morrison failed to reverse a scheduled cut of $224m in handing down his first budget tonight.

Nigel Spence, CEO of ChildFund Australia, said: “It is extremely disappointing that the Treasurer has failed to act upon statements he made in his maiden speech to Parliament about strengthening Australia’s response to the world’s poor. In fact, today’s announcement sees him making even deeper cuts to an already decimated aid budget.

“For the first time in our history, Australia will dedicate just 0.23 per cent of its gross national income to programs which deliver real and tangible improvements to children and families living in some of the world’s poorest communities.

“We are now in a position where we are spending more on one submarine for our defence program than on our entire aid program. Given the vital role of aid in building peace and prosperity in our region, this is seriously unbalanced.”

This latest decision follows a series of devastating cuts to the Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) budget under the Abbott government, which has seen $11.3bn wiped from the aid program over five years. Last year, a 20 per cent reduction of $1bn was the biggest cut ever made to the Australian aid budget in a single year.

For organisations like ChildFund, this has meant scaling back or not going ahead with vital aid projects for children and families in countries throughout the Asia-Pacific and Africa.

Mr Spence said: “We have to realise these cuts have a significant human cost for some of the most vulnerable children and families in our region and beyond. We’ve had to cut education projects, child protection projects and an innovative global education program that was building bridges between children in Australia and developing countries throughout Asia.”

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has committed Australia’s support to the Global Goals for Sustainable Development, which include new targets to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and fix climate change. As such, it is now essential that bi-partisan agreement be reached on the future direction of our aid program.

“We have not had certainty or predictability in government funding for a number of years now, which is critical for delivering effective aid programs,” said Mr Spence. “If we are serious about addressing the challenges facing our region – poverty, rising inequality, extreme weather events, increased mobility and displacement – we need a solid plan for the Australian aid program that recognises the value of investing in our global neighbourhood.”

With a federal election looming, ChildFund Australia is calling on both sides of politics to restore and repair the aid budget, and recommit to our promise to help the world’s poor.

Mr Spence added: “This election is an opportunity for all parties to present their overseas development policies, particularly for the two major parties to show a positive and progressive commitment to aid. Other countries worse off than Australia are increasing their aid budget at a time when we are slashing ours to an historic low. It is time to turn this around so we can regain momentum on important aid projects that ultimately bring greater peace and prosperity for all of us.”

From rebuilding livelihoods lost in the Nepal earthquakes to providing small business opportunities in remote communities of Sri Lanka and Vietnam, funds raised through ChildFund Australia’s inaugural MentorMe Auction will give a huge boost to children and families living in poverty in our region.

The MentorMe Auction took place online in March 2016, with bidders competing to win an exclusive mentoring session with one of 10 high-profile Australian business leaders.

In total, over $30,000 was raised by the MentorMe Auction through bids and donations. Carnival Australia executive chairman Ann Sherry AO took out the highest bid, with Pacific Magazine’s Jackie Frank and Leo Burnett’s Todd Sampson close behind.

Janet Cameron, partnerships manager at ChildFund Australia, said: “The winning bidders have all been contacted and are incredibly excited to meet their mentors! The bidding was very close, with a flurry of activity down to the final seconds. We are also very thankful to the mentors who have agreed to do a runner-up session with second-place bidders, effectively doubling their impact on the lives of children and families in some of the world’s poorest communities.”

ChildFund Australia CEO Nigel Spence said: “We are very pleased with the results of this inaugural MentorMe Auction. This was a new initiative for ChildFund Australia at a time when innovation is key to our success. Not only will the funds raised have an immediate impact on children and families living in extreme poverty, but increasing our connection with the business community here in Australia will help us develop some exciting new initiatives into the future.”

Among the auction winners is entrepreneur Sandy Forster, who will have the chance to sit down for an hour of one-on-one mentoring with Jackie Frank.

“I thought it was a great win/win,” says Sandy, whose auction funds will help provide small business loans for women in remote communities of Vietnam. I love to give people a hand up rather than a hand out… I also felt I would get something valuable from my session with Jackie and there’s probably no other way I would get to spend an hour chatting with her.”

Aspiring TV writer Adrian Hurley, whose auction funds will help families in Nepal recover from last year’s devastating earthquakes, was also thrilled to hear that he had secured a one-hour mentor session with award-winning TV producer Jason Burrows: “I’m proud to be a part of such a great event and thank you for this opportunity!”

ChildFund Australia would like to thank all of the business leaders who donated their time and expertise to this initiative, along with everyone who bid!