No child should be sent to Nauru while conditions remain dangerous

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The Refugee Council of Australia has called for an immediate moratorium on transfers to Nauru following the tragic example of a five-year-old girl who has attempted to commit suicide following her prolonged detention there.

Over 100 Australian organisations and community groups, including churches and religious institutions, human rights, aid and development bodies, advocates and community organisations have joined the call to cease transfer of asylum seekers back to harm.

Paul Power, CEO of the Refugee Council of Australia said, “An innocent young girl of just five years old has been driven to attempting suicide because of the Australian Government’s inability to provide a satisfactory duty of care on Nauru. No child should be sent there and certainly not sent to a situation while the environment remains so dangerous.

“This young girl, who has shown sexualised behaviour, has self-harmed and is obviously profoundly and negatively impacted by the Australian Government’s policy of detaining children in extremely harsh environments, is indicative of the inability of the inadequacy of this current policy.

“Any parent would be appalled by the impact on this vulnerable young girl, and we call upon the Australian Government to immediately cease the transfer of vulnerable asylum seekers until all the recommendations of the Moss Review and the Cornall report are implemented.

“We call on the Australian Government to show some compassion for a young vulnerable girl and not return her, nor any other vulnerable people to Nauru until the safety and protection of all asylum seekers can be guaranteed.

“The recent Moss Review and Cornall Reports illustrated sexual abuse, including rape, violence, drugs for favours and a general failure to provide safety and security, particularly for women and children, highlighted the inappropriateness of Nauru as a place to send already vulnerable asylum seekers.

“The Government has accepted all recommendations in the Moss Report and as such, no further children, women, nor men should be sent to Nauru not Manus until all recommendations are satisfied and safety and security of children and women can be assured,” concluded Mr Power.

For the full statement and list of signatories, click here.

Support the campaign online using #NoMoreTransfers

Young Australians overwhelmingly view ‘fairness’ as our most important national value (42 per cent), well ahead of second-placed ‘mateship’ (28 per cent), according to new Galaxy research released today.

But this iconic Australian characteristic is under threat with less than one in three Gen Ys (29 per cent) believing Australia is a fairer nation today than it was five years ago.

As a globally connected generation, Gen Ys say Australia is no longer acting fairly on the world stage, with nearly half (45 per cent) agreeing that it is unfair that Australian aid has been cut to its lowest level ever.

University students in Sydney will be invited to back their personal commitment to a fair go today when the Campaign for Australian Aid launches its Fair Share food truck.

Students who visit the Fair Share food truck will be invited to pay what they think is fair for a meal of authentic Southeast Asian cuisine.

The street-style food will be served by former winner of MasterChef and UNICEF Ambassador Adam Liaw, and will showcase the key role Australian aid plays in expressing Australians’ commitment to a fair go internationally.

“Asking uni students to pay what they think is fair for a meal is brave – it will be a great test of our understanding of fairness and an interactive way for young Aussies to participate in the Campaign for Australian Aid,” Mr Liaw said.

Following today’s launch at the University of New South Wales, the Fair Share food truck will be visiting other universities and public venues in Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne over the coming weeks.

The truck isn’t just about great food, though. It is a catalyst for an innovative campaign by Australian aid organisations that taps into our national sense of fairness, and poses a strong challenge to continuous cuts to the Australian aid budget. The campaign aims to build greater understanding and support for Australian aid by showcasing its effectiveness in countries around the world.

“As Australians, through Australian aid, we have played a key part in one of the greatest success stories of our time. In the last 20 years we’ve been part of an international effort that has now halved the number of people living in extreme poverty. It’s not something that we see or hear about very often, but we’ve helped to make the world a fairer place for all, and that’s something we can be very proud of,” World Vision chief executive Tim Costello said when introducing the Campaign for Australian Aid.

“We believe that through this grassroots campaign we can encourage all Australians to stand up for what they believe is fair; and rally together to continue the great work that we do, helping people living in poor communities to build a fairer future.”

While young Australians may feel that Australia is becoming less fair, they hold out hope for a fairer future and believe that we can make a difference for those who need it most.

Today’s Galaxy Poll shows Gen Y want to see Australian aid deliver better access to healthcare (59 per cent), education (56 per cent), and clean water (49 per cent) for all.

Mr Costello added it was reassuring to see young people valuing such important work around the world.

“As a nation, we value fairness more than any other Australian attribute. We want to be known for fairness, and Australian aid is a powerful expression of our belief in a fair go for all.”

Stand up for one of our greatest national accomplishments and join the conversation. #australianaid

ChildFund Australia CEO Nigel Spence is available for comment. 

About the research

This study was conducted online among a representative sample of Australians aged 18-34 years. The sample was 502 respondents, distributed throughout Australia including both capital city and non-capital city areas.

About the Campaign For Australian Aid

Campaign for Australian Aid is a joint initiative of the Make Poverty History and Micah Challenge coalitions, for all Australians who believe we can and should do more as a nation to end extreme poverty around the world.