Sarah Hunt

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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

Sarah has almost two decades of experience supporting development and humanitarian programs in Africa, Asia, the Middle-East and the Pacific. At ChildFund, she is responsible for overseeing the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programs which support vulnerable children, their families and communities and strengthen formal systems across the Mekong region. Sarah was formerly ChildFund’s Grants Manager and led the successful expansion of the organisation’s donor funding portfolio, including grants from the Australian and New Zealand Government aid programs, the European Union, USAID and the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children. Prior to joining ChildFund, Sarah worked in London with a youth-focused organisation, working closely with communities and local partners in West Africa on urban slum development projects.

Margaret Sheehan is CEO of ChildFund Australia. Prior to this role, Margaret spent four years as ChildFund Australia’s International Program Director, overseeing the implementation of projects in the Asia-Pacific region. Having begun her working life as a teacher and lecturer, Margaret’s commitment to working with young people led to her first international post with the World Health Organisation. Margaret now has over two decades of experience in managing international development programs and personnel in field office settings and has completed a Masters in Public Health.