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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

At 10 years old, Thant (pictured above) faced a decision that no Grade 5 student should have to make.

He had to decide whether he wanted to stay in a school where he was routinely caned for falling behind or drop out and find a job to help his struggling parents support his three siblings.

“I always got punished so I started skipping school,” says Thant, now 20.

“Later on the punishment from the teacher became worse and one of my legs was badly hurt. My mum felt sorry for my injury, and I also didn’t want to go to school anymore so she took me out of school.”

Failure to finish school is a major problem in Myanmar, especially among children like Thant, whose parents did not finish school.

After dropping out of school he spent two years in the workforce before finding out about a program through ChildFund Myanmar partner Shwe Chin Thae Social Service Group (SSSG), which helps out-of-school youth to return to education.

“I decided to study again because I believed I would not get corporal punishment at the centre and I would be happy,” Thant says.

He enrolled in Non-Formal Education (NFE) classes at a child development centre, where he learned Burmese, English, maths, poetry, sports and vocational skills.

After excelling in the course, ChildFund Myanmar awarded him a scholarship to do a one-year course at the TheikKhar Myanmar Institute.

The course was difficult at first, but Thant soon discovered a passion for learning.

“My favourite classes were English and environmental science,” Thant says.

After completing the course he did a three-month internship teaching children in Rakhine state, where he used his school experience to ensure his students enjoyed theirs.

“I just wanted to make the children happy,” he says. “I didn’t use the cane to teach them because I was once in their situation and I know how it feels.”

Thant now has an administrative job at TheikKhar Myanmar Institute and hopes one day he can start an organisation to protect Myanmar’s environment.

Having seen the impact education made on his life, Thant is passionate about giving children in Myanmar the opportunity to stay in school.

“I feel very sad when I see children who can’t study,” he says. “They might also want to go to school. They might want to be able to read and write. They might want to be successful.

“I wouldn’t be where I am right now at all if I hadn’t studied.”

ChildFund Myanmar’s education programs are supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).

I was just like a frog in a well. I could not see the world, just the sky above me,” says 24-year-old Kdeb from rural Cambodia.

Youth unemployment is a major problem in Cambodia, especially in remote villages. To change this, ChildFund-supported youth groups are helping disadvantaged young people improve their skills and find meaningful jobs.

Kdeb is one youth whose life has turned around after participating in her local Community Voices program: “I can’t compare myself now to the person I was before I joined my local youth group.”

With Kdeb’s mother died when she was just eight months old, she was left in the custody of her alcoholic father who also passed away when Kdeb was young. Moving in with her grandparents, Kdeb finished high school but did not have enough money to go to university. After an unsuccessful job search, she believed she was destined to remain unemployed.

Through the group, Kdeb and other local youth learned how to start their own businesses to benefit their community. They also held fundraisers for local causes, even helping to repair roads and buildings that were damaged by storms.

Most importantly, the group gave its young participants an opportunity to contribute to the commune development plan, helping them become an important link between the local government and members of their community.

After excelling in, and leading, group activities, Kdeb secured a position in the office of her local government. She is now able to assist her elderly grandparents financially, and eventually hopes to save enough money to go to university.

“Without being involved in the ChildFund-supported youth group, I would not be who I am or where I am today.”