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Following the devastating floods caused by the collapse of a dam, ChildFund Laos is supporting children and families who have lost their homes and are now living in overcrowded emergency shelters. It is estimated that these temporary refuges are housing more than 6,000 people.

This week, the Lao government confirmed 34 people had died in the floods and 97 people remain missing, prompting concerns the death toll will rise.

ChildFund Australia Senior Emergency Response Advisor Sanwar Ali said Laos, one of Asia’s poorest countries, needed support to help the affected families.

“The shelters are not very well managed and lack basic facilities such as toilets, and there are already reports of diseases spreading,” Mr Ali said.

The floods came after heavy rain in late July caused the collapse of a dam in Attapeu province, southern Laos. Five villages were completely swept away, and another eight were affected.

Thousands of families have lost their homes and all their possessions, and children now face an uncertain future.

The exact number of children impact by this disaster is unknown, but an initial assessment of the evacuation centres found they did not have adequate child protection measures in place.

ChildFund is sending an experienced team to establish Child Friendly Spaces in three evacuation centres.

These spaces, which ChildFund has used in its emergency responses around the world, will provide a safe environment where children can start their recovery from trauma.

They will be stocked with books and learning materials so that children whose homes and schools were washed away do not fall behind with their education.

“Children are expected to go back to school at the beginning of September but this is now being brought into question,” Mr Ali said.

“There is a need to provide a platform for a progressive return to formal education and schooling.”

ChildFund is also providing mobile latrines that will help stem the spread of disease, which is a high risk during flooding.

“Toilets will be provided at each Child Friendly Space so that children and mothers can access clean sanitation facilities, which will improve their health and keep them safe from waterborne disease,” Mr Ali said.

You can help children in emergencies by becoming a Project Humanity Partner.

Photo: Children walking through flooding in northern Laos in 2013.

Counsellors at ChildFund’s free national helpline have been assisting people affected by a series of devastating earthquakes in the remote southern highlands of Papua New Guinea.

The ChildFund 1-Tok Kaunselin Lain has been providing crisis counselling to people in Southern Highlands and Enga Provinces, where an estimated 100 people have lost their lives and many more are injured or missing.

A 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck the region last week, followed by a 6.7 magnitude aftershock on Wednesday.

Landslides, blocked roads and cracked airstrips have made it difficult to reach the area to assess the damage and provide support to affected communities. Many families outside of urban centres have been unable to access essential services.  

The ChildFund 1-Tok Kaunselin Lain is the first national toll-free hotline service in PNG. As part of the service a team of trained counsellors provide crisis and trauma counselling and information, and referrals to nearby service providers where possible.

The hotline is one of the only accessible services for many people affected by the quakes, and will be promoted through radio stations and text messages in affected areas.

ChildFund is a member of the Protection Cluster, which plays an advisory role to PNG’s disaster management team, and, along with other members, has nominated a hotline counselling team member to be on call to join assessment groups.

The 1-Tok Kaunselin Helpim Lain – 7150 8000 – provides toll-free confidential telephone counselling, information and support for anyone experiencing gender-based violence in Papua New Guinea. ChildFund PNG is the lead implementing partner of the service, working in close partnership with the Family and Sexual Violence Action Committee and FHI 360. The service is funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), with contributions from ChildFund Australia and ChildFund New Zealand.