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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

Oumy, a mother of six from rural Senegal, rests easier these days because she can now stay ahead of her children’s health. Four years ago, a child’s illness could be terrifying.

Back then, if it wasn`t one thing, it was another: The baby might have diarrhea while the 3-year-old spiked a fever. The district-level government health post, nearly 3km away, might as well have been the moon when Oumy imagined making the trek with baby Thiawdo tied onto her back, and feverish Babacar in her arms. With her husband away seeking work, Oumy would have to leave her other children in the care of Mohammed, her eldest child.

Oumy is relieved to have left such experiences behind, ever since a volunteer-run community health hut became active in her village.

Part of the nationwide Community Health component of USAID`s current Health Program, Oumy`s health hut is one of 2,553 like it, and 1,674 outreach sites (for areas where there are no health huts) throughout Senegal`s 14 regions.

Now, Oumy says, “Whenever the children are sick, I don`t delay. I`ve learned to detect symptoms of things like malaria. When a child has a fever, I take them straight to the health hut.”

ChildFund is leading a consortium of organisations to carry out the project, and is collaborating with Senegal`s government to ensure health huts and outreach sites link more than 9 million people, 70 percent of the country`s population, especially those in the most remote areas to Senegal`s health system.

Like all of the project`s health huts, the one in Oumy`s community offers much more than basic pediatric care and management of common illnesses like malaria, diarrhea and pneumonia. With 17,000 trained community health workers (CHWs) supporting this nationwide project, assistance on maternal and newborn health, birth spacing, and nutrition monitoring is also being provided.

CHWs know the danger signs that require referring cases to the government health post for professional care. Nurses from the health posts also visit the communities monthly to provide immunisations, basic treatments and educational outreach.

Additionally, trained traditional birth attendants, known as matrones, work with pregnant women to provide prenatal care and promote safe delivery in a health centre setting, rather than at home. Other community volunteers, known as relais, also carry the messages of the health hut to their neighbours, teaching them how to protect themselves from disease and identify symptoms when they arise.

In each village, a CHW also works with a complement of grandmothers who leverage their leadership roles to provide special support and wisdom to young mothers, promoting healthy practices and prevention techniques. One of the grandmothers, Maimouna, remembers a case from before the health hut opened a woman who hid her out-of-wedlock pregnancy and did not seek prenatal care. Without any support, she passed away from complications. “But since the health hut was created in the village,” says Maimouna, “we know how to prevent these cases. We carry out home visits, we educate people, and we advise them about the services that are available to them.”

Even men, who in rural Senegal traditionally consider family health to be a woman`s concern, have been encouraging their families to make use of the health hut`s services. When Omar, a father of five, kept hearing from other men in his community about their families` improved health thanks to the health hut, he took notice. He had been worried for some time about his wife, who had experienced postpartum hemorrhage with every delivery, and he finally brought her in for support. Now, with basic care and information, Omar`s family is healthier and more secure.

A recent independent evaluation found that the project has significantly strengthened access to health care in underserved communities throughout the country. In turn, government health posts` loads have been lightened, and Senegal`s nationwide health system is working better overall. Moving forward, the project hopes to transfer the ownership and operation of health huts to their communities.

The United Nations’ Standing Committee on Malnutrition reports that malnutrition is the largest single contributor to the spread of disease worldwide.

Malnutrition contributes to the cycle of poverty and economic stagnation because it prevents people from reaching their full potential. Malnourished children often do not perform as well in school, which limits their career opportunities. Malnourished adults have less energy for work compared to healthy adults, so they are unable to contribute as much to the local economy and cannot provide the best care for their families. Malnourished mothers are more likely to have underweight children, who in turn are more vulnerable to malnutrition and resulting disease.

As the cost of malnutrition is high, investing in solutions to provide proper nutrition in developing countries can have a huge pay off. A recent study showed that investing US$1.2 billion annually in micronutrient supplements, food fortification and biofortification of staple crops for five years would generate annual benefits of US$15.3 billion. Such an investment in nutrition would see a drastic reduction in human suffering and result in a benefit-to-cost ratio of almost 13 to 1.

The Copenhagen Consensus project brings a panel of Nobel laureate economists together to establish priorities for advancing global welfare using a cost-benefit analysis. In 2008, the Consensus members concluded that providing vitamins for undernourished children is the world`s best investment, and in 2012 they decided that micronutrient interventions are the best global investment. The 2008 Copenhagen Consensus found that $1 invested in nutrition can generate as much as US$136 in increased productivity and better health. Investment in improving nutrition can save more than a million lives each year, help 360 million mothers and children have healthy futures, significantly reduce the human and economic burden of diseases like AIDS, malaria and diabetes, and increase a nation`s GDP by 2 to 3 per cent annually.