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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

The recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa, which began in March 2015, was a terrifying time for Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, where more than 11,000 people died from the virus. While there are still some isolated cases in all three countries, the numbers are much lower than at the peak of the outbreak in August and September 2014. This is thanks, in part, to young volunteers who helped spread the word around their communities about stopping the outbreak.

ChildFund staff in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone trained teens on Ebola preventionincluding regular hand washing and avoidance of burial practices that lead to infection, who then took the message to village markets, homes, schools and other places where the public congregates. Although many of the activities started when the infection rates were higher, young volunteers continue to spread the word in their communities.

“We sometimes went over to villages where the degree of reluctance is high, to let them know that Ebola is real,” says Naby, president of a youth club in Guinea. “We showed people how to use hand-washing kits and told them to report any case of illness to the nearest health post, to avoid unsafe contacts and dangerous burial preparations.”

In another ChildFund-supported club, this one based in a Guinean school, about 30 students from grades seven through 10 spent a few days last year receiving training about how the disease is spread. They discussed ways to publicise the prevention techniques, and then set upon their task.

“No room for Ebola here” was the school`s slogan during the outbreak, according to the president of the club (pictured right). “On the top of our priority list was raising awareness among students to wash their hands in a bleach solution and avoid all contact with sick people and dead bodies. We also targeted environmental hygiene. Though people may wash their hands regularly, if the environment is not clean, there is a high risk of being infected.”

In Liberia, ChildFund trained more than 100 youth volunteers in Lofa, where Liberia saw its first cases. Today, they still conduct door-to-door outreach to prevent another epidemic. They often attend local markets to reach people from many towns and villages where they distribute posters and T-shirts with prevention messages and detergent and disinfectants.

According to ChildFund staff members in Liberia, as a result of these awareness campaigns, community members are more aware of how to avoid the virus and are less afraid of reporting possible cases of Ebola.

In Sierra Leone, during the height of the epidemic last year, ChildFund`s local partner organisations saw the need for a door-to-door campaign to inform community members about Ebola. Teens involved in ChildFund`s activities attended training and then went out to their communities armed with signs and megaphones, an action that created much wider awareness of the disease.

In the northern part of the country, youth even assisted in monitoring the border Sierra Leone shares with Guinea, where some infected people were crossing and spreading the disease from one country to the other.

As the young volunteers in all three countries are trusted members of their communities, their voices carried the ring of authority, noted ChildFund International CEO, Anne Goddard, recently.

“Rumours were a serious problem, including the belief that the government was making up the disease and, early on, that thermometers were spreading the virus,” Goddard said. “Youth educators were effective in helping to dispel such rumours.”

Read the story of Facinet, an Ebola survivor who helped ChildFund Guinea raise awareness of Ebola in his community.

ChildFund Australia would like to thank our wonderful supporters who have generously donated to support children orphaned by Ebola through the interim care centres. ChildFund`s care centres in Liberia and Sierra Leone have now closed but ChildFund continues to support these children in the recovery process.

Earlier this month, I led ChildFund’s delegation to the United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan.

I was lucky enough to make a presentation on the “Ignite!” stage at the conference, which you can watch below. It’s a description of a project carried out by ChildFund, with the support of the Australian Government, that helped youth engage in disaster risk reduction (DRR) in the Philippines. As you’ll see, their efforts, and leadership, helped save lives and reduce damage when Typhoon Haiyan struck.

According to the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child, children and youth have the right to participate in matters that concern them. So involving kids in DRR activities, as leaders (within national frameworks, as we did in the Philippines, and keeping their safety uppermost in our work) is one way of realising their rights. So it’s a must.

But also, youth-led DRR activities worked! As you will hear in the presentation, when Haiyan hit the Philippines with terrible force in November of 2013, just 18 months after the project ended, communities were much better prepared.

Among commitments made by the world community in Sendai, there are three references to the participation of children and youth:

  • In paragraph 7 – “There has to be a broader and a more people-centred preventative approach to disaster risk.  … governments should engage with relevant stakeholders, including women, children and youth… in the design and implementation of policies, plans and standards.”
  • In paragraph 19 (d) – “Disaster risk reduction requires an all-of-society engagement and partnership.  … the promotion of women and youth leadership…”
  • In paragraph 36 (a) (ii) – “Children and youth are agents of change and should be given the space and modalities to contribute to disaster risk reduction…”

Youth-led DRR: it’s their right, it builds their resilience, it makes DRR efforts stronger, and the world community is now committed.

Let’s make it happen.

Read more from Mark on this topic here.