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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

On 13 July 2013, 10 music students from the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music at the University of Melbourne shared their love of music in a concert dedicated to supporting children and families in Uganda.

Brought together by their passion for music, this group gathered regularly for dinners, concerts and any celebration with music from early 2012. As time passed they were inspired to do something more meaningful with their talents.

Together, they organised a concert with two main goals: to share their classical music talents with the wider community and help children in need. With 10 musicians in the group, they had a strong concert program with a mix of piano, violin and flute. They also had the range of skills needed to organise the show, with some of the musicians taking on additional roles like venue organiser, finance and marketing.

All the planning, organising and promotion paid off. On the night, more than 300 people attended the concert and over $1,000 was collected for programs supporting war-affected children and communities in Uganda.

Rebekah was one of the organisers and the master of ceremonies on the night. When we asked her about the key to her success in this event she said: “The advice we would give other people who are considering undertaking such a large fundraising event is the importance of role arrangements for people who are involved. Assigning roles such as administration, marketing, finance, concert program, stage management and performance means everything gets done and it gets done well. Also, it is necessary to have a leader among those people who conducts the progress of organising the event.”

ChildFund would like to send a special thanks to all involved, including performers Soojin An, Mary Hyunju Chun, Lucy Mikyung Ha, Jane Jiwon Lee, Jisook Noh, Laverne Eungyul Oh, Angela Jieun Park, Dana Park and Lina Heeseung Park; master of ceremonies Rebekah Chaerin Kim; and volunteer organiser Yesool Song.

As a 20-year-old who had deferred from uni and with no work experience, a job was hard to come by. So when I picked up the paper to go through that gruelling task of finding something that was not only challenging but rewarding, I knew it wasn’t going to be easy.

Luckily for me, I found a job which I loved, and which helped me get to the position I am in now at ChildFund Australia. The job I’m talking about is face-to-face fundraising.

Having worked in the industry for over seven years, both as a fundraiser and in other roles, I can honestly say that it is one of the best jobs I’ve ever had (apart from this current role, of course!). During that time I met so many wonderful people, had hundreds of thousands of conversations and recruited over 2,500 donors. Who else can say they get to do that every day and go home each night, knowing they’ve contributed to help make a difference.

Don’t get me wrong – I did have bad days too. I recall one specific day when I was working on George St in Sydney and being called a ‘parasite’ by a man who asked how I could sleep at night, knowing I was taking money from a not-for-profit organisation (ie being paid for my work). I could not get a word in to explain that I was actually helping the organisation generate much more income for their work and that this enables charities to reach more people in need.