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I belong to a poor and humble family. I am studying in Grade 12, and my younger brother is in Grade 7. My father works as a supervisor in a glass manufacturing factory in Firozabad. He used to be the sole breadwinner for our family, but now my mother also adds to our family’s earnings by working with UNICEF as a community mobiliser. Both my parents are working hard to give us a decent life. We are now a happy family, and I love my parents the most.

But a few years ago, our family was not what it is today. My father was struggling to meet our basic needs. There have been times when my mother had to sleep with an empty stomach, as there was not enough food for all of us. Just to add to our family income, we all started making bangles at home.

I never liked that work of welding the ends of bangles together with the help of a gas stove. We used to sit for hours, welding and colouring the bangles in a very unpleasant atmosphere. Though I was going to school, I had to sit with my parents in sorting or colouring the bangles soon after returning home. I was unable to give much time to my studies.

Both my mother and father were having health issues because of the smoke they were exposed to during the day-long bangle work. Even I had developed chest pains and was admitted to hospital several times. But we had no other option then but continuing this unhealthy work.

But things started to change when I became associated with ChildFund. I was enrolled in the Disha Children’s Program (ChildFund India’s local partner in Manisha’s community) and also got a sponsor in 2005. Not only did I start getting the benefits of being a sponsored child, but our entire family benefited. Soon, my mother joined a self-help group promoted by the organisation. Slowly, we reduced the bangle-making work at home, with my mother attending parenting sessions and supporting ChildFund field staff in encouraging other women to adopt best child-care practices.

Some villages supported by ChildFund and its local partners around the world are incredibly remote. Sometimes it is impossible to establish services like early childhood development (ECD) centres due to their isolated nature.

This is the case for four barangays (the Filipino term for small villages or neighbourhoods) in the Philippines. Located in Pili, in Bicol region on the southernmost tip of Luzon island, these villages are situated too far from established ECD centres. So, to support the infants and their families living in these villages ChildFund and its local partner organisation have begun using a mobile unit.

The Mobile Supervised Neighbourhood Play (SNP) initiative, which began its pilot phase last year, provides the materials, modules and learning tools found in ChildFund’s home-based ECD programs and packs them in a mini-van that can travel to remote communities.

Four trained volunteers conduct two-hour sessions twice a day, three times a week in the four barangays with children and their families. The volunteers are also helping to train parents and other caregivers, as well as people who could one day start ECD programs locally.

“Where there are government day care centres, ChildFund helps equip day care workers,” says Corazon Obra, program officer for ChildFund Philippines. “In communities isolated from day care centres, ChildFund is helping set up Supervised Neighbourhood Play, our home-based model. Mobile SNP takes this idea even further, literally delivering quality Early Childhood Development services to remote communities.”

This project is just one of the most recent ways ChildFund and its local partners are helping to support the healthy development of children under five all around the world.