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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

ChildFund has been working in Vietnam since 1995 and began community development programs in just one district, in one province. Today, ChildFund works in seven districts across three northern provinces – Bac Kan, Cao Bang and Hoa Binh, where the majority of people are from ethnic minority groups, often the most vulnerable or marginalised sections of the population.

Starting with 220 children in 8 villages, ChildFund Vietnam now helps almost 34,000 children in 488 villages!

Ky Son district is the first area where ChildFund Vietnam began implementing child sponsorship. Ky Son is located in Hoa Binh, a mountainous rural province in northern Vietnam.

When ChildFund began work in four communes in this district, poverty rates were high and there was a critical need for water and sanitation facilities. Preschools and primary schools were in poor conditions and the quality of healthcare was very low, resulting in high rates of child malnutrition.

What has been achieved?

A recent evaluation of our work in these four communes in Ky Son found that ChildFund`s community development programs have contributed to poverty reduction, increased incomes and improved living conditions for children and their families over the past 20 years.

This data shows just how different life is in these communes today:

  • Poverty rate has fallen from 30% to less than 5%
  • 100% of children now complete primary education
  • 100% of children are delivered by a skilled health professional
  • % of households with safe water has risen from 26% to 77%
  • % of households with a hygienic toilet has risen from 16% to 74%

ChildFund Vietnam country director Deborah Leaver says: “Simply knowing that children and families now assume their children will complete primary school is such a big change in only a generation. With commitment from the community, support from local authorities and hard work from the team at ChildFund we`ve been able to make this massive change in not only the access to education but also significantly improve the quality of their education.

“In less than a generation children`s lives have been changed in a meaningful and sustainable way and that is something to be very proud of.”
Ms Ha, is ChildFund Vietnam`s Education Project Coordinator in Hoa Binh province. She has been with ChildFund Vietnam since day one! We asked her to reflect on her journey:

“My childhood memories are of houses with thatched roofs and mud walls, muddy and rough roads. Then children couldn`t afford to go to school. Families had to worry about every meal and sick people didn`t get proper treatment. Now things have changed for the better. We have better housing and improved roads. Children now can all go to school. Poverty is reduced. People have better access to health care services.

“Working at ChildFund, I have the opportunity to travel frequently to rural areas which resemble the place where I used to live. For 18 years of my life, I lived in the very poor countryside, so I understand thoroughly how poverty affects people`s lives. I always wanted to change the situation even back then. I wanted to work for ChildFund so I could help poor and disadvantaged communities where children were having the same difficulties as me in the past.”

Read about former sponsored child Nhu from Hoa Binh province and find out where they are now.

ChildFund Australia would like to thank all of our supporters who have sponsored children in Vietnam over the past 20 years! Your generous support is having intergenerational life-changing effects on the children and communities we work with in northern Vietnam.

ChildFund Cambodia has been working in remote Chhloung district in Kratie province since 2011. Located in the northeast of Cambodia, people in this mountainous area make a living by farming rice, corn, cassava and cashews and fishing. With the one main road through the community often flooded in the rainy season, travel is difficult for villagers.

“I used to walk about an hour from home to school,” says nine-year-old Sreypon, who would walk to school when she could not get a lift with her mother or go by Tuk Tuk. “I was scared of kidnappers and tigers,” she adds. While tigers or kidnappers are not actually present in her village (Sreypon became afraid of these things after a village elder told her about how cruel they can be), wild animals can be found in the surrounding forest.

Sreypon`s neighbour and close friend, nine-year-old Sophara also found it difficult to walk to school: “I was scared of trucks when walking alone”.

12-year-old Sakei was afraid of snakes and other wild animals when walking to school, especially during the rainy season. “Sometimes I slipped and fell down. I could not see the road clearly when it was raining. I often could not make class on time and would be penalised by my teacher.”

Sreypon, Sophara and Sakai (pictured above) each received a new bicycle through ChildFund Cambodia recently. For Sakai, who now attends secondary school which is 10km away from his house, this bike means he can continue to study far from home. It takes him around one hour to ride to school. While Sreypon and Sophara are very happy that they can now ride to school together, which is located about 5km away from their homes.

“On receiving this bike, I commit to finishing high school,” says Sakai. “I dream of becoming a teacher to help educate the next generation for a good job,” he adds.

After watching a video about Lennon, a six-year-old Australian boy who walked from school to home each week to raise funds to provide children in other countries with bicycles, Sreypon, Sophara and Sakai had different reactions.

“I feel ashamed that a young boy could help other children at his age of six while I cannot. However, I commit to studying hard to become a teacher to help educate other children in the future,” Sakai says.

“We feel happy and thankful to Lennon who supported us with these new bikes,” Sreypon and Sophara say.