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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

Landing her job straight out of high school, Ashley is one of the longest standing members of the ChildFund Australia family. She fondly recalls, “my friend told me there was a job opportunity at ChildFund and asked if I was interested€¦I tried out for it, and got it!”

In all her years working for ChildFund, Ashley says she has “never looked back. I love it. I couldn`t imagine working anywhere else.”

Ashley spends much of her day speaking with and helping ChildFund supporters. At any given time, she could be emailing our Kenya National Office to find out how a sponsored child living in the Great Rift Valley (more than 12,000 kilometres from Sydney) is going with their education, or making sure our sponsors` Birthday Cards are sent out to children all around the world, from Ecuador to the Philippines, or organising a visit for an Aussie sponsor to meet their sponsored child in Cambodia.

During her time at ChildFund, Ashley has visited communities in Vietnam, Thailand and more recently, India. “It has been great to be able to see our programs firsthand,” she says. “It reminds you of all the wonderful things children are getting out of the work we do every day.”

Despite having organised hundreds of sponsor child visits over the years, it wasn`t until November 2013 that Ashley attended one for the first time. During this time, she accompanied our ChildFund Australia Trip of a Lifetime competition winners.

“It was the most unbelievable experience I have ever had. The community went above and beyond what we were expecting,” she fondly recalls. “You could truly see just how much they appreciated the help.”

Working in Supporter Relations, it was very special for Ashley to “spend time with supporters who are really passionate about what we do and are so keen to keep helping us”.

Apart from being inspired by ChildFund`s passionate supporters, Ashley believes that a key reason she has stayed with ChildFund Australia for so many years is due to the “hard-working” ethic of all staff members, and the “fun environment”. Ultimately for Ashley, “it`s the people you work with who make it special!”

Chee and Jeru (pictured above) are best friends and neighbours from a small mountain village in eastern Myanmar. As two nine-year-old boys in Grade 5 they both spend their time attending their village school, fetching water and playing with their friends. Additionally, as the boys are both from farming families, they often join their parents to help harvest crops.

“Sometimes we pick corn and other fruits on the farm so our families can eat,” explains Chee.

Their village is located in Kayah State, a region with a history of conflict and large population displacement. As a result, infrastructure development and access to basic services, such as education and healthcare, remains very poor. Many families and children continue to live in extreme poverty.

Until recently, Chee and Jeru’s village did not have access to electricity. While they were able to study at school in natural daylight, once darkness fell they were unable to continue their studies at home or complete their homework.

Living without electricity can significantly impact the academic performance of school children, and affect their future opportunities.