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Duong grew up in a small rural village in the mountains of northern Vietnam. His parents planted rice and raised livestock to generate an income to support him and his two sisters.

“I was born in a poor village of Cao Phong district, Hoa Binh province. I lived in the mountainous region and travelled on dirt roads. The people there mainly do agricultural activities. Local infrastructure was weak back then,” says Duong. “My family was very poor. When we were little, my parents had to work hard to feed me and my siblings and send us to school.”

In 1998 Duong became a ChildFund Vietnam sponsor child. At eight, his life started to change when he began writing to his Australian sponsor Gordon, who decided to support a child in Vietnam. For Duong it was wonderful to have a friend who was so far away committed to helping a child in need.

“I felt very happy and excited to have a sponsor of my own,” he says. “I received many gifts from him including school supplies, toys and sports equipment. Those meaningful gifts not only gave me encouragement but also helped reduce the burden on my parents.

“[But] I believe the most valuable gift given to me was that my study was maintained and continued thanks to the regular encouragement from my sponsor,” he adds.

Education is a key part of helping children in need. Even as a small child Duong knew that he needed to work hard at school so he could have a bright future.

“I have been really focused on my studies since I was small. As a child, I wanted to set up a good business when I grew up so I could earn money to support my family and to contribute to local community development.”

ChildFund Vietnam began working in Hoa Binh, the province where Duong lives, in 1995 when he was just five years old. Over the past 20 years, Duong has watched his community transform.

“Child sponsorship has brought significant benefits to my community. We have improved infrastructure; concrete roads, irrigation canals and new schools. Now 100 percent of children in the project area are able to attend school,” says Duong. “People’s lives have been significantly improved thanks to the support in agricultural production.”

Maria Elena (pictured above) was born in rural Mexico and became a ChildFund Mexico sponsor child shortly after. Her parents were struggling to make ends meet and knew that sponsorship would help give their young daughter a stronger start to life. However, as years went on, Maria Elena and her family have been able to benefit in many more ways, including 20 years of sponsorship, which has developed into a special friendship.

“As I was an infant when I was first sponsored, I wasn’t able to respond to my sponsor’s early letters, so my sisters wrote the answers for me! But as time went on, I was able to write to him directly, and we wrote every two months. He sent me letters, postcards and Christmas cards,” says Maria Elena.

When Maria Elena was going through elementary school, her sponsor would regularly send her letters, which always made her feel happy.

“Despite the distance, he never forgot us and in his letters he always asked about my family and how I was doing in school. It was very exciting for me because although we had never met, it felt great to have somebody showing such interest in me.”

Even after Maria Elena started high school, she and her sponsor continued to exchange letters and they shared ideas about her plans for the future.

“At that time, he told me that he was going to keep on sponsoring me for as long as I was engaged in ChildFund’s activities and in my studies, as far as I wanted to go. That excited me so much, because since I was a little girl, my dream was to have a career,” she explains.

“He always sent me words like ‘yes, you can’ or ‘go on’ and that helped me to keep going, because each letter encouraged me to go one step further. My sponsor always motivated me to not give up and this is how I fulfilled my dream.”

Through her participation in different ChildFund program activities, and with the caring support of her sponsor, Maria Elena has been able to fulfil her dream of completing her studies, and establishing a career in Biology. She is one of the many child success stories to emerge from sponsorship.

She expressed that she could not have achieved this without the encouragement from her parents, all who work for ChildFund, and most of all the person who decided to support a child in need.

Maria Elena says her experience shows how child sponsors are helping defeat child poverty in Mexico.

“It is the best thing that ever happened in my life, so I appreciate my sponsor`s trust in me and his support without expecting anything in return. For that, I’m really grateful,” says Maria Elena.

“This is why I invite all sponsors to write to their sponsored child; because a simple letter or photograph is exciting for us as children, and brings us the best feelings and joy, and also motivation to keep going.”