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23 March marks one year since the World Health Organisation (WHO) officially declared an Ebola outbreak in the West African country of Guinea. A week later, neighbouring Liberia confirmed its first death, followed by Sierra Leone`s first case, a young woman, on 25 May.

Since then, these countries have been in the fight of their lives, battling an €˜invisible enemy` that quickly began wiping out their frontline of defence €“ their doctors, nurses and healthcare workers €“ as well as entire families and villages.

“I survived through 11 years of war, which impacted me completely because I lost my job, I lost relatives €“ but what is happening with Ebola is worse,” says Yusufu Kamara, program manager at ChildFund Sierra Leone. “In the war, they would tell you the rebels are coming, so you would move to another village. I moved from one district to the other, until I ended up in [the capital] Freetown.

“But Ebola is like fighting an invisible enemy. Even if you have guns, you cannot fire. And the doctors, the people who were supposed to protect us, they were the ones who were dying first. So the country was scared. This is the worst experience we have ever had and I`m praying it will never again happen in my lifetime.”

A year on, Ebola has officially claimed more than 10,000 lives (the actual number is likely far higher) and left 16,600 children without one or both parents or their primary caregiver. Yusufu says a few months ago, he thought things would be much worse by now; at the peak of the crisis, infections were doubling every few weeks. But with the international response ramping up late last year to support government efforts, by January the number of cases had dramatically decreased.

“For us the worst period was around June or July, when we had only one testing centre and one treatment centre,” says Yusufu. “People who were infected, even in Freetown, when they went to the treatment centre, they were told: €˜It`s full.` So they had to go back to their family, which was one of the things that increased transmission.

“I thought the situation was only going to get worse. We didn`t have any hope. There was no hope. But with the international response, with additional testing facilities from all over the world and additional trained personnel, we realised that, in fact, this is something that can be defeated.”

With infection rates in decline, WHO is now reporting around 100-150 new cases per week across the three affected countries. Schools have cautiously reopened in Guinea and Liberia after months of closure, with Sierra Leone soon to follow.

However, life is far from returning to normal. Pockets of Ebola continue to flare up, keeping everyone on high alert. Students returning to school must be particularly vigilant about practising the infection prevention and control measures that will keep the virus at bay. Families are struggling to get back on their feet after months without income. Survivors need support to deal with stigma and discrimination from work colleagues, peers at school, even their own family members.

ChildFund`s response remains focused on the care and support of children orphaned by Ebola. Through the establishment of interim care centres in Liberia and Sierra Leone, children are provided with food, shelter, medical care and psychosocial support for the 21-day quarantine period. During that time efforts are also made to find relatives or foster families who will accept these children and provide them with a new home. To date, 400 children have accessed the centres and almost 300 have been reunified with extended family or alternative families.

Staff at ChildFund Liberia and ChildFund Sierra Leone say the interim care centres will continue running as long as needed. In Liberia, the centres are expected to run for another six months. In Sierra Leone, it could be sooner.

“It is difficult to assess since people are still being affected by the virus, even though we now get far less than half the number of cases we used to get about a month ago,” says Ernest Cummings, ChildFund Sierra Leone`s Ebola response coordinator. “A few of our six centres recently registered zero cases, however, they have subsequently received a few more cases in the following days. Other centres we support have actually been experiencing an increase in the number of intakes.

“I understand from media sources here that the government has been cautiously optimistic, estimating that there would be no new cases by 7 April. My view is that we should plan for keeping the centres open for at least another month beyond the government’s target date, which takes us to May. However, my estimate could turn out to have been too optimistic.”

ChildFund`s Ebola response has also recently shifted to supporting the government to reopen schools. In Guinea, ChildFund has helped 1,175 schools reopen since January, setting up hand-washing stations and providing non-contact thermometers to help protect more than 500,000 students and teachers.

In Sierra Leone, ChildFund is working in partnership with the Department of Health and Education and the Ministry of Social Welfare to help implement in schools the same infection prevention and control standards used at the interim care centres.

“For seven months, many of these schools were used as holding centres for people with suspected Ebola. So we need to make sure the schools are disinfected. Their water systems and toilet facilities need to be upgraded,” says Yusufu.

“We also want to look at decongesting the classrooms. Before Ebola, there were up to 50 or 60 pupils per class €“ three per bench. Now the ministry is saying no more than two pupils per bench. So that means additional furniture and temporary structures for the schools to reopen.”

Looking ahead, the recovery process for Ebola-affected countries will be a massive task. The economic impact of Ebola has been devastating for many families and communities. The emergency brought many businesses to a standstill, farmers have had no source of income and food prices have gone through the roof. The educational impact on children has been huge, with an estimated five million children and youth missing out on months of school. And the psychological impact must be addressed to help the thousands of children and families who`ve lost relatives or survived Ebola themselves.

The governments of the three affected countries are calling for a regional recovery plan to help them get back on their feet. But they are also painfully aware they have not yet completely eradicated the disease and getting to zero new cases is still a priority.

“It is getting better,” says Yusufu. “We have not defeated Ebola yet but hope is returning. In recent weeks, we nearly had zero reported cases all over the country, then we started to see five, 10, 15 new cases coming again.

“So things are not back to normal but at least now we have hope that we can defeat Ebola because we have an adequate number of beds, treatment centres, testing centres and, in fact, I heard this morning they want to introduce this quick testing machine that takes just 15 minutes. Those are all opportunities bringing more hope.”

ChildFund Australia would like to acknowledge the generous donations of Australians, which have helped provide food, shelter, health care and support for children orphaned by Ebola through the interim care centres.

Schools in Guinea reopened this week after being closed for much of last year, as the country fought to contain the Ebola outbreak. In Liberia and Sierra Leone, where infection rates are also now stabilising, schools are set to reopen in February and March respectively.

The question is, should they be reopening so soon? Ebola infection rates have stabilised, but it may be too early to tell if the crisis is truly over. Below we discuss the issue and how children could be affected by reopening the schools, or keeping them closed.

How school closures have affected the children

It’s the first step back to normalcy for millions of children whose lives and education has been disrupted by the worst Ebola crisis in history. An estimated 5 million children across the three countries have had their education severely disrupted, being out of school for up to 10 months. This has put children at high risk of issues such as dropping out of school permanently or ending up in child labour.

“Schools have been closed for a long time, so there are concerns that children are beginning to forget they were schoolchildren, that the continuation of their studies will be difficult the longer schools take to reopen,” says Billy Abimbilla, national director for ChildFund Liberia and ChildFund Sierra Leone. “It has also been realised that many of the older girls are becoming pregnant because they are at home and they are not occupied. So in some ways, the sooner schools reopen, the better.”

Why it may be prudent to keep schools closed

However, while there is an obvious need to get children back into school, there are also concerns about them reopening too soon.

“There is a school of thought that thinks it is too early to reopen these schools, because even though infection rates are declining, Ebola has not been completely eradicated and so reopening schools could spike another round of infections,” says Billy. “Also the fact that opening them too early will put some parents in a difficult situation because many livelihoods have been eroded and many parents do not have enough money to pay school fees. So they need a bit more time to be able to organise to pay the school fees.”

ChildFund supporting families as schools reopen

With the decision to reopen schools winning out, the government and NGOs in all countries will be working hard to ensure children are protected at school and also help families get back on their feet.

ChildFund will be extending its support of children affected by Ebola to support schools as they reopen and help ensure staff and students continue to be careful about prevention measures and infection control.

Providing necessary hygiene, water and sanitation facilities

“We will provide them with hygiene kits so teachers and students can continue the practice of washing their hands, and avoid intimate touching with each other through things like spacing of seats in the classroom,” Billy explains. “We`ll also continue with education on how Ebola can be contracted or not, and form children`s Ebola clubs to raise awareness in schools.

“Provision of water and sanitation is also crucial in terms of reducing infection. So we`ll be looking at supporting the government to supply wells fitted with hand pumps for schoolchildren to wash their hands and ensure that whatever information children get at school, they can also be voices to get back to the community level and educate their parents.”

Read this Q&A with Billy Abimbilla to learn more about ChildFund`s Ebola response in Liberia and Sierra Leone.

You can help children affected by the Ebola Crisis

There are many children in Ebola affected communities, and others like them around the world, who need your support.

By donating monthly, you will contribute to disaster relief efforts around the world. Project Humanity supports the immediate emergency response, and helps provide ongoing relief to affected communities.

You can also gift any one of our Gifts for Good, a range of charity donation gifts. Our gifts include health essentials such as hygiene kits, and also educational gifts like school supplies, library books and other important learning materials.

Why give? Because every child needs a childhood.