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Child labour is unfortunately common in many developing countries. Children are often forced to drop out of school to support their families, or take on more responsibilities at home.

Here we tell the story of Sokhom, a teenager who was forced to leave school to supplement the household with additional income.


Why Sokhom left school to start work

A year since he happily restarted school, teenager Sokhom* from Cambodia’s rural Svay Chrum District often thinks of the children still labouring on the farm he once worked at. “When I see my friends still working, I don’t feel happy at all,” he says, with sadness in his eyes. “They should be in school.”

Sokhom was just 14 years old when he gave up his Grade 6 studies in order to support his family. However, this situation is not uncommon in Cambodia, with one in five school-aged children engaging in work.

“I quit because my family couldn’t afford for me to stay in school,” says Sokhom. “I quit to go digging and ploughing.”


What was it like for a child labourer working on the farm?

Jobs are scarce in Sokhom’s district, located around 110km from Phnom Penh, and even when available, they are very poorly paid. Sokhom took up work on a local industrial farm, toiling from 7am through to the evening, to bring home just US$3.70 – US$4.90 a day.

The work, which involved digging and moving earth with hand-shovels and driving tractors, was hard and exhausting for Sokhom, and also dangerous.

“It was tiring, and made me sweat a lot,” recalls Sokhom.

“There were many children working. They were unhappy,” he says. “Some were ploughing and would try to put on the brake and got tossed out of the tractor. Some tractors got stuck and the drivers were tossed in the air. Some tractors even fell over.”


What are the effects of labour on children?

Earning money to help his family was difficult for Sokhom: “It was just tiring work,” he says. “I didn’t feel that happy. I knew children shouldn’t have to earn money …children can get sick, and tired.”

School was not the only sacrifice. Sokhom’s childhood was replaced with the weight of responsibility of providing for his family.

Six months into his labouring work, without education and proper protection, Sokhom was facing an uncertain future, all too common in places like Cambodia, where too many children are scarred by poverty.


How our education projects helped him return to school

Thanks to ChildFund Cambodia, which works closely with local communities on education projects that keep children from poor families in school, Sokhom was given a chance to return to his studies, and regain his childhood.

“ChildFund allowed me to go back to school. They support me with clothes, bags, books and a bicycle,” says Sokhom.

“I met new friends when I started Grade 6. The lessons weren’t that hard because I’d studied them once already,” adds Sokhom, who initially had to repeat Grade 6, but eventually passed.

Sokhom is now halfway through his Grade 7 studies.

“The lessons are a little hard, but I learnt to spell and think by myself. And I get to play with my friends,” says Sokhom, who loves to play volleyball. “I am happier in school.”


How does the future look for Sokhom?

Sokhom now dreams of becoming a teacher. He knows that the best way to achieve his goal is by going to school and getting a good education: “If I could, I wish to graduate from Grade 12. I want to be a teacher so I can teach my own students.” Sokhom adds: “I want adults to encourage all children to go back to school.”

“Children should not work because it tires them out easily,” adds Sokhom. “They should go to school for their future.”


Every child needs someone like you

Sokhom isn’t the only child whose education is threatened by poverty. You can help them.

Every child needs someone like you. Your sponsorship will provide a child with access to healthcare, and a high quality education. You’ll also be helping to support their family, which means your sponsored child will stay in school, and can enjoy their childhood.

It doesn’t end with becoming a sponsor. As part of our child sponsorship program we encourage you to write to your child, and perhaps even to arrange a visit to meet them in person. However you choose to participate, sponsoring a child will change a life.

Why sponsor a child? Because every child needs a childhood.

Despite the political and economic changes that have swept through Myanmar in recent years, poverty continues to be a defining factor in children’s access to basic education.

Many children work to help their families earn a living, particularly older siblings who sacrifice their education for the younger children. As a result, sadly, one in four children do not complete primary school and 10-year-old Win from Mandalay is one of many students at risk. This is his story.

How poverty affects a child’s learning

Win’s schoolroom houses two different classes and is very overcrowded. With one class taught at one end of the room, while another teacher instructs a different grade at the other end, it can be hard for students to hear properly and concentrate.

This is not the classroom we’re accustomed to in countries like Australia or the United States. There are no shelves full of books for children to engage in reading. The classroom itself is usually old, leaky and run down. Most children also can’t afford pens, pencils and other school supplies that we take for granted.

Beyond the classroom, the journey to school can be long and arduous in rural communities. Many children must walk miles to their lessons in the heat or cold, which means it is much more likely that they will not continue their education.

How family life affects a child’s education

Win`s mother peels onions for a living, with Win helping out often. His father is unable to work due to a disability, which means earning a living falls upon his mother and the elder children. The family barely survives on an income of just $3 a day.

Like most children, Win dreams of finishing school, going to university, and getting a good job: “When I grow up, I hope to become an engineer. I want to help build brick buildings for people.”

Children in developing countries have dreams for a brighter future. Their dreams are no different than those we had as children. They are also no less deserving of the opportunity to realise them.

Sponsor a community to give children a brighter future

If you want to help children like Win stay in school and make their dreams come true, becoming a community sponsor is a powerful way to help children in need.

Your sponsorship will help create child friendly schools in developing communities, help provide vocational training for out of school youth, among other community development projects across South East Asia.

You can also donate an education-focused charity gift to help a child in the countries where we work get ahead in life. Fight gender inequality by funding a girl’s education, buy school supplies for a child in need and more. We offer many ways for you to give, because every child deserves a childhood.