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UPDATE: Here are the letters being delivered! And the video was very well received.

On the eve of Universal Children’s Day, ChildFund Alliance staff in New York will present letters and drawings from children around the world to UN leaders and Member States, and show a powerful 3-minute video of children expressing their views on why rights are important.

The side-event, titled No Child Without Rights: Breaking the barriers of inequality, will be held within the United Nations headquarters on 19 November (8:00 am EST). The event is being sponsored by the Missions of Benin, Brazil and Japan and supported by ATD Forth World, SOS Children’s Villages and ChildFund Alliance.

The letters were produced as part of ChildFund`s Small Voices, Big Dreams project. ChildFund staff ran activities with children to provide a fun and safe way for them to express their views and concerns. One of these activities was a role-play where the children imagined a world leader had come to their school to ask them what they need to make the world a better place.

“We explained that because the world leader is no longer a child, they needed some help to understand what children want and need,” says Raul Caceres, digital program manager at ChildFund Australia. “The children had some very powerful things to say.”

ChildFund Australia CEO Nigel Spence says: “The comments in their letters show that children are acutely aware of issues in their own community but also highlight their compassion and concern for the situation of other children. For example, children in Australia mentioned issues such as war and violence, racism, refugees, early marriage and the need for all children to have a good education. We hope those in a position of power who read these letters will reflect on what children are saying and remember that children are affected by what`s going on in the world.”

Excerpts from some of the children’s letters

Eira, 12, Australia: “There is one thing that makes me feel uncomfortable. Adults are choosing things for kids, referring to what things were like when they were younger. But it’s a new generation, a new time. The world is very different now to the way it used to be. Most adults don’t think about the way issues concern children, just the way it affects them. If kids were given a say, they would feel happy and important. The world would get along and be a much better place.”


20 November is Universal Children’s Day. This year, it also marks the 25th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

To honour the occasion, we asked more than 6,000 children in 44 countries about their hopes, dreams and concerns for children around the world. It’s an annual project we call Small Voices, Big Dreams. (We’ll be releasing the results of the survey on 20 November.)

This year, we also invited children in eight countries – Australia, Colombia, France, Laos, Paraguay, Timor-Leste, the US and Zambia €“ to take part in an accompanying video project about children’s rights. The film shows children penning their thoughts in a letter to world leaders.

ChildFund staff ran activities with children in each country to explore the concept of “respect” and what it means to have their rights respected, then worked with filmmaker Miguel Herrera to capture their views in a beautiful 3-minute video.

“We used participatory techniques that are similar to the ones we use in the ChildFund Connect program, which is about creating a safe space for the children to lead the discussion and express their views and concerns,” says ChildFund Australia`s digital program manager Raul Caceres.

“We started with a simple activity with prompters to get the children thinking not only about their own views but issues for children around the world. In the cases where children were not able to write, we used other tools such as drawing or video cameras for them to interview each other to contribute their ideas.”

The children also took part in a role-play activity where they had to imagine a world leader had come to their school to ask children what they need to make the world a better place. After spending time discussing and thinking through their ideas, they produced letters or drawings addressed to world leaders covering issues ranging from war and peace, racism, violence and abuse to education, the environment and feeling loved and protected.

“The children had some very powerful things to say,” says Raul. “We hope people will take a few minutes to watch the video and help us share it far and wide on Universal Children’s Day.”

Help us share this video on 20 November by joining our Thunderclap!

Thank you to Mario Lagos of creative agency Lowe and Partners who donated time to this project.