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Gifts in action – solar lamp

“I recently travelled to Cambodia and visited some of the communities ChildFund has been working with. That’s where I met Tharin. Tharin’s village has no electricity, and simple tasks become very difficult and dangerous when the sun goes down. But thanks to wonderful people like you, Tharin and the other children in her community now each have a solar lamp. The lamps enable the children to study at night and go to the toilet without fear of deadly snakes or other hazards when it’s dark.

These lamps also keep families and homes safe by reducing the risk of fire and burns as they mean dangerous open-flame kerosene lamps are no longer needed.

It’s so exciting to think that something so simple really can transform a child’s life. That`s why I hope you’ll join me in giving these life-changing Gifts for Good to your loved ones.”

– Danielle Cormack

“One night when I was four years old, I forgot to put out the lamp as I fell asleep. I woke to the smell of burning and I could feel the heat on my hair. The wall had caught fire. I called my mum to wake up as the fire spread. My mum called my dad and my neighbour for help.

When my dad tried to put out the fire, the lamp collapsed, and the burning kerosene spilled on his trousers.

I wanted to have a better future and success in my education. I didn’t want to be like my parents, who were not able to go to school. But the lamp flickered so much I could’t see. If it was windy or rainy, the lamp would go out, and I couldn’t re-light it to finish my homework.

The solar lamp helps me and my big brother study at night. It is helping me at school, and my school marks have improved a lot. Now I dream of finishing school and being a doctor, so I can help my family. And I wish all children could have solar lamp like mine.”

– Tharin

“The solar lamp helps me and my big brother study at night. It is helping me at school, and my school marks have improved a lot.”

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