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Hundreds of pre-school children in rural and remote communities in Timor-Leste have received learning packs from ChildFund, allowing them to continue their education during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Earlier this year a roll-out of government restrictions to curb the impact and spread of the virus in Timor-Leste resulted in the closure of schools across the country, leaving many children in disadvantaged communities without access to opportunities to learn and play.

Over the past several weeks ChildFund Timor-Leste has been distributing educational packs to children in 10 early childhood development centres in Liquica and Lautem municipalities. More than 350 children have received a pack, which includes storybooks, toys, Lego, jigsaw puzzles, balls, drawing and writing materials, as well as soap and information on COVID-19 and hygiene.

Four-year-old Jenilda was scheduled to start school for the first time at an early education centre supported by ChildFund in Lautem when the pandemic hit.

She was eager to start learning, her mother Victoria says, but when the centre was forced to close because of government restrictions, Jenilda had to stay home and her education was delayed.

The learning pack Jenilda received from ChildFund has brought her a lot of joy and kept her mind and body active, says Victoria.

“The materials help our children play and learn at home,” Victoria says.

The best things about sponsoring children are the relationships that are formed and what it can teach you and your family, says long-time sponsor Karen Wood.

The mother-of-three (pictured below) has been sponsoring children through ChildFund Australia since the 1980s, and says sponsorship has been a mind-opening experience for her and her children.

Sponsorship has changed Karen’s life for the better

“Sponsorship has changed me for the better,” Karen says. “It has taught me to be more considerate of cultural differences. There may be a difference in language and the colour of our skin, but we still have the same needs, physically, mentally, emotionally.

“And as parents have the same concerns about our children, and that goes beyond the colour of our skin and our language.”

Karen’s children have grown up learning about different cultures

Through writing letters to her sponsored children and their families – Diah in Indonesia and Man in Vietnam – Karen’s children have also grown up learning about different cultures and how other children around the world live and grow up.

“With my children, they got to see that what we take for granted – like going to school, a bed to sleep in, a meal on the table, a doctor, dentist, and medicines – and what some children around the world don’t have,” Karen says.

She says it has been “heart-warming” to see how the lives of Diah and Man have changed and how they now have access to education and better healthcare.

Helping children was something that remained close to her heart

Karen first began sponsoring through ChildFund after finishing her nursing degree, and has sponsored children on and off ever since.

While life had been “extremely tough” after her partner passed away and she became a single parent, helping children was something that remained close to her heart. “My life had turned upside down but I got back on my feet, and recommencing sponsorship was back on the table,” Karen says.

“I wanted to instil into my children to be there for others, to be considerate, and really help.”

Being a sponsor with ChildFund has been “like being part of a family”. “I can email or call and I can find things out and I can work out the best way to provide support with my situation,” Karen says.

“If others are thinking of sponsoring I would say without hesitation, go for it. It is just so rewarding.

“You develop lasting friendships.”

Donate today and experience the life-changing journey for yourself 

When you donate to ChildFund Australia, not only do you change a child’s life forever, but you provide your family with a life-changing experience: a journey of change through helping children and their families.

Donating provides a unique opportunity to actively make a difference in the world by providing children living in poverty with hope for the future. 

Interested in helping children through ChildFund Australia? Sign up to donate monthly today and make a difference for up to 1,000 children per year.