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Among the countries in which ChildFund Australia manages and implements programs, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children’s education has been the most severe in Myanmar.

Schools have been closed for almost a year, since the first cases of COVID-19 were reported in the country in March 2020. Restrictions were eased briefly at the end of July 2020, allowing students to return to school, but the respite was short-lived. The number of COVID-19 cases began to rise again towards the end of August, prompting the Myanmar government to return to restrictions on public spaces and gatherings.

“The nationwide closure of schools is impacting millions of students,” ChildFund Myanmar National Education Coordinator, PoPo Thaung Win, says.

The prolonged shutdown, says ChildFund Myanmar’s Country Director Win May, will have the greatest impact on Myanmar’s most vulnerable children, such as children living in poverty, children living with disability, girls, and those living in remote and rural areas.

“They face a great risk of dropping out and never returning to school,” Win May says.

Once schools reopen, many children in the disadvantaged communities in which ChildFund works are at risk of entering the workforce, becoming full-time labourers, or staying at home to take care of younger siblings and household chores, to help their families.

Another concern, says Win May, is the health and wellbeing of children stuck at home with nowhere to go. “Many children are becoming isolated because of the lack of social connection,” she says.

Children also face higher protection risks while schools are closed because they can no longer access essential school equipment and services such as water, sanitation and hygiene facilities, health services, protection referrals for gender-based violence and abuse, and specialised services for children with disabilities.

Rethinking education

Myanmar has had to rapidly adapt to the changing situations posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

With support from UNESCO, the Ministry of Education has developed a COVID-19 response and recovery plan to help children to continue learning during and after the pandemic. The plan looks at how schools can eventually reopen safely, and how the country’s education system can be strengthened to cope with future emergencies.

With more than 30 education projects in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste and Vietnam, ChildFund Australia believes investing in quality education is critical to bringing about lasting change in the lives of children and their communities.

With closures to schools, learning spaces, and restrictions on gatherings, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about disruptions to education for children around the world. It has accelerated inequalities faced by vulnerable children and young people living in rural areas, particularly girls and those with disabilities. ChildFund has had to adjust the way it delivers its projects to help ensure children can continue learning.

The COVID-19 crisis has compelled ChildFund to consider new opportunities, and five key priorities for education now and into the future:

1. Innovate our approach to education

With many schools being forced to close, children’s access to education has been disrupted. ChildFund has had to look for new strategies and approaches to ensure children can continue to learn during this time, such as distributing home learning kits, supporting teachers virtually, helping to set up small community classes (as pictured above in Cambodia), and introducing technology to schools.

2. Continue working with local partner organisations

Access to the remote places where we work has been difficult and we have had to rely heavily on local partner organisations to ensure activities continue to be implemented. These partners have close access to communities and know the context well. ChildFund hopes to continue to strengthen relationships and to build the capacity of these local partners by working and learning alongside them.

3. Ensure children can return safely to school

As schools reopen, there is a risk that many children, particularly girls and children living with a disability, may not return to school because of economic reasons, early marriage or fear for their safety. ChildFund has been working closely with schools to address barriers, to encourage all students to return to school and that school environments are safe, equipped and prepared for any future disruptions.

4. Support communities and families

During COVID-19 many children were forced to stay at home during lockdowns. This was particularly difficult for parents who took on the responsibility of teaching their children while also experiencing financial and psychological stress. ChildFund recognises the importance that family can have on a child’s development, and is supporting families during the COVID-19 crisis through regular visits, providing materials, and running workshops.

5. Strengthen school systems

The unprecedented arrival of COVID-19 took school systems around the world by surprise and most were not equipped to respond. ChildFund has been working with local governments and school management groups to strengthen their systems and resources for the future to ensure that schools are safe. This has included improving hygiene and sanitation facilities, including toilets and hand washing stations, ensuring Disaster Risk Reduction plans are in place, and training teachers on COVID-19 messaging to support communities.