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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

Ngan grew up in the mountainous District of Quang Hoa, Cao Bang Province. Education wasn’t a priority for girls like Ngan. In the community where she lives, young women are expected to get married early, work as farmers or earn a living by working in factories far from home. This had been going on for generations, from her grandmother to her mother, but Ngan wanted to create change.

Children in Ngan’s community enjoy studying in a newly built school

Sponsorship changes the game

The support and letters from her French sponsor, Jerome changed Ngan’s outlook on life. “After being enrolled into ChildFund’s [sponsorship] program, I did change a lot. From a timid little girl, I have grown up into a confident young woman. My sponsor’s letters opened a whole new world to me. Through photos and simple sharing from my sponsor, a girl previously confined to a remote village like me was enabled to learn about the vast and beautiful world. I have nurtured my dream to explore other cultures and go to those picturesque places one day. It was also an enormous source of motivation for me to continue my study at a university instead of working in a factory after high school like some of my peers,” said Ngan.

The nine-year connection with her sponsor Jerome was vital to Ngan’s motivation and sense of belonging. “Like many other kids, I was so delighted to receive small gifts. Every time I received annual gifts from ChildFund like school supplies, crayons and water bottles. I felt so appreciative and grateful to my sponsor and program implementers for their utmost care for children like me.”

Sponsorship enabled Ngan to continue her studies and to bring about sustainable and meaningful change in the life of other children and families in Ngan’s community. “Being from a poor and disadvantaged community where people’s knowledge was limited, my hometown has totally transformed thanks to various project activities of ChildFund, specifically with training on communication, child protection, breeding animals and supporting the building of latrines.”

Ngan has a dream

Children washing their hands at the school to stay healthy.

Ten years have passed since Ngan had a sponsor. She is now a second-year student in Social Work Studies at a renowned university. The generosity and kindness from a stranger has shaped who she is today. Ngan embraces the dream to continue the journey of kindness that her sponsor embarked on. “I really hope that after graduation, I can use my knowledge, experience and passion to support my community. That’s one of the reasons I chose Social Work as my career.”

Child Sponsorship makes lasting changes in the life of children and is a powerful connection tool, giving children hope, aspirations and belief in kindness and good things in life.

On December 16th 2021 Typhoon Rai made landfall at the city of Surigao, in the north eastern tip of Mindanao in the Philippines. The typhoon brought 195km per hour winds, torrential rainfall and caused widespread flooding and devastation.

Sadly, 402 people lost their lives, 1,147 people were injured and 78 people are still missing. Once again, children and families are finding themselves facing crisis.

Many children across the island nation were looking forward to a normal Christmas, with COVID-19 cases subsiding and travel restrictions being lifted. But instead of spending the holidays with loved ones, many children and their families were forced to flee their homes due to flooding and are still living in evacuation centres.

Mary Ann and her family are just one family left homeless by Typhoon Rai. “My husband, three kids and I had already evacuated and went came here to the school even before Typhoon Rai came. After the storm passed, I went to check our house, but it was no longer there. Until now I don’t know where we will go,” said Mary Ann.

Significant portions of the region still do not have access to power or clean water. To date, there are still just over 50,000 families living in evacuation centres with little certainty about when they will be able to return home and begin to rebuild their lives.

ChildFund Philippines is helping to distribute emergency food rations, setting up emergency housing for families and access to clean water and power. They are also identifying how best to support children who experienced trauma because of Typhoon Rai – particularly for those still living in evacuation centres.

Working with local partners and authorities in ten communities struck, ChildFund is committed to ensuring that children have access to counselling services, education, and child-friendly spaces while they are living in evacuation centres. ChildFund Australia has contributed AUD$75,000, of a total amount of AUD$300,000, directly to the emergency response efforts.

These spaces give the children the opportunity to play and learn to help build their resilience and well-being in a safe environment. The child-friendly spaces run psychological first aid sessions to help children process their experiences and trauma through interactive activities like sharing, drawing, role playing to help them express themselves as they rebuild their lives after the disaster.

Children are resilient, but with climate change causing more frequent and more intense typhoons, it is vital that they are supported during, not just the response, but that they are adequately prepared for events like Typhoon Rai. You can support children around the world facing crisis.