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Infectious and non-infectious diseases are very different. An infectious disease can be transmitted from one person to another, while a non-infectious disease cannot be spread through person-to-person contact. 

To help you better understand the difference between infectious and non-infectious diseases, we’ve defined and compared the two below.

What is an infectious disease?

Infectious diseases are caused by pathogenic micro-organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. These micro-organisms are contagious, meaning they can be transmitted from one person to another. 

Examples of infectious diseases include the common cold, COVID-19, SARS and tuberculosis. Find out more about 7 Common Infectious Diseases here.

What is a non-infectious disease?

Non-infectious diseases are not caused by pathogens and therefore cannot be spread from one person to another. Instead, non-infectious diseases are caused by factors such as genetics, malnutrition, environment and lifestyle. 

Some examples of non-infectious diseases include cardiovascular diseases (such as heart attacks and stroke), cancers, chronic respiratory diseases (such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma), and diabetes. Other examples include Parkinson’s disease, autoimmune diseases, strokes, heart diseases, chronic kidney disease, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and cataracts.

What are the main differences between an infectious and non-infectious disease?

1. Infectious diseases are communicable, non-infectious diseases are not

Infectious diseases are contagious, meaning that a person can contract the illness if they are exposed to carriers of the disease.

As we have witnessed with the rapid spread of COVID-19, infectious disease can be easily transferred through direct contact. This includes when someone comes into contact with an infected person for a period of time, their body fluids, or surfaces that the disease carriers have touched. 

Non-infectious diseases, however, are non-communicable, meaning they cannot be transmitted through exposure to a carrier. Instead, they appear or grow due to factors such as gene mutations, malnutrition, environmental toxins and lifestyle.

2. Infectious diseases are caused by the transmission of a pathogen

Infectious diseases are transmitted from person-to-person through the transfer of a pathogen such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. A non-infectious disease cannot be transmitted through a pathogen and is caused by a variety of other circumstantial factors.

3. Prevention strategies for infectious disease focuses on stopping the spread

Infectious disease and non-infectious disease require different prevention strategies to protect individuals or groups from falling ill. 

Prevention strategies for infectious disease focus on isolating individuals who have the disease to protect the broader population, and vaccinating against known strains to prevent transmission. 

During a pandemic, or outbreak, certain measures may be taken to stop the spread, such as disinfecting surfaces that are frequently touched. Individuals are also encouraged to wash their hands regularly with soap and warm water, and to self-isolate if they develop signs or symptoms to prevent transmission.

4. Preventative measures for non-infectious diseases are lifestyle and contextually-focused

Preventative measures for non-infectious disease are focused on lifestyle choices and patterns, which have been identified as potentially effective through clinical research. You can reduce your risk of contracting Type 2 diabetes, for example, by maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly and consuming a balanced diet. 

Not all non-infectious diseases, however, can be prevented. Some can develop as a result of an individual’s genetic history, lifestyle or age. While you can prevent alcoholic liver damage by abstaining from drinking or consuming alcohol less frequently, the liver can also be damaged by exposure to hazardous chemicals and toxins.

Help stop the spread of infectious diseases in developing countries

The COVID-19 pandemic meant that infectious disease made headlines throughout the world. However, it is not the only infectious disease – there are many more affecting developing communities in countries across the Asia-Pacific region.  

In Papua New Guinea, for example, tuberculosis has had a devastating impact on the health system. “Outbreaks cause more harm where the infrastructure is less,” says Dr Deborah Bettels, World Health Organisation Expanded Programme on Immunisation Coordinator, Papua New Guinea. “They strain the routine healthcare system. They cause sickness always, they may cause death.”

You can help stop the spread of infectious diseases by donating one of the following Gifts for Good that helps provide clean water, or improve hygiene and sanitation in communities living in poverty.

  • Hand washing station: This is a simple gift with the power to help everyone in a community improve sanitation and hygiene, and stay healthy. 
  • Hand pump well: This will provide clean water for children and their families for drinking, cleaning and bathing. Children may no longer have to make long, dangerous journeys on foot to collect water from unreliable, contaminated sources. This will also offer children the protection from the risk of deadly waterborne diseases.
  • Restock a health station: Help restock a health station with desperately needed medicines, medical supplies, personal protective equipment and other necessities to ensure that children and families have ready access to the care and resources they need to stay healthy.

Prevent the spread of infectious disease today!

You can help increase access to quality health care and prevent the spread of infectious diseases for children like Jenny (pictured below) in Papua New Guinea. “I am worried I will lose one of my children,” Mary, Jenny’s mother, told ChildFund in 2020 after Jenny was diagnosed with TB.

Find out how your donation helps kids like Jenny.

Jenny (right) with her friend in PNG.

There’s nothing quite as powerful as a mother’s love for her children, and her desire to see them grow up and reach their full potential. 

If you’re considering giving mum, or a maternal figure in your life, a donation on her behalf for Mother’s Day, there’s no better way than to choose a charity gift from our Gifts for Good catalogue. You’ll not only be helping children living in poor communities, but providing support for mothers around the world. 

To help you decide how you and Mum want to change the world this Mother’s Day, we’ve put together a Mother’s Day Charity Gift Guide. Read on to see what a difference your Mother’s Day gift could make, and learn about our new charity gift bundles!

Donate blankets or malaria nets to keep a child safe and sound

Every child wants to feel safe and warm, but poverty can mean a child’s life may lack basic comforts. A blanket can help a child to brave cold winter nights, so they sleep soundly, remain healthy, and can focus on their school work. 

Preventable disease is also a very real threat to children’s health in developing communities. A simple mosquito net is a proven and cost-effective method to prevent the spread of malaria. Hung over a child’s bed, a net will keep them safe from malaria-carrying mosquitoes. 

Gift a warm blanket or malaria net as individual gifts, or together in our Safe and Sound Bundle:

Buy furry friends and provide a family with farm animals

These furry friends are a twofold gift! Farm animals provide families in developing communities with a range of nutritious goods that can be used to feed their children, or sold for additional income. They’re also a furry companion for children to love and spend time with. 

Goats produce milk and cheese which are highly nutritious for growing children. and the eggs laid by chickens area vital source of protein. Meanwhile sheep provide an ongoing source of wool, which families can use to make clothing, blankets, and other textiles. 

Gift Mum your favourite farm animal, or a whole barnyard together in our Furry Friends Bundle below:

Your donation can be the gift that provides a child with a brighter future

When you were growing up, you had dreams and aspirations. Education is the most powerful strategy to reduce poverty, ensuring the next generation of children in developing countries are able to reach their full potential. 

Confidence is absolutely essential to active participation in school, and a brand new school uniform will help a child develop a sense of belonging among their peers. 

From pens and pencils to exercise books, there’s so much a child needs for school and when you donate our pack of school supplies you’ve got them covered for a full school year. 

Give a school uniform or educational supplies as individual gifts or donate all that a child needs for school in our Bright Future Bundle below:

Change the future of an entire family when you donate water filters or nutritious food

Up to 44% of children in Laos suffer from malnutrition. You and Mum (and even Grandma!) can change the future of an entire family by providing a safe source of water and a stable diet for a family in need. 

A deepwater borehole system gives the gift of clean, safe water that a whole school — or even an entire community — can rely upon. Clean drinking water protects children and their communities from life-threatening waterborne disease, such as diarrhoea. Fruit trees and packs of vegetable seeds help families establish household gardens where they can grow their own produce in what will become a reliable source of fresh food. 

Donate water filters, fruit trees and seed packs as individual gifts or together in our Food for Thought Bundle below:

Help fight COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has left children around the world without enough food to eat and vulnerable communities with limited access to the supplies needed to fight the virus.

This Mother’s Day, you can help restock a health station with desperately needed medicines, medical supplies, personal protective equipment and other necessities to ensure that children and families have ready access to the care and resources they need to stay healthy.

Change the world with a special and meaningful Mother’s Day Gift

You and Mum can change the world for a family living in poverty this Mother’s Day. Donate a charity gift for Mum now and show the world the power of a mother’s love!