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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

You’ve probably come across people giving in their various workplaces. You’ve seen a box at the checkout of your favourite café, or perhaps you’ve noticed the option to donate as you check out on a local website. Maybe you’ve even held a fundraiser in the office or workplace or participated in a workplace team challenge. But what is workplace giving, specifically? What is it, and how can you participate? Let’s take a look: 

What is Workplace Giving?

Workplace giving is a simple way to give to a charity you love regularly. One of the main benefits of workplace giving for your organisation is that this form of donating is tax deductible. This means you and your workplace can contribute more for less. 

Workplace giving is a great way for charities to receive regular donations. Dependable regular donations are imperative for charities to be able to plan in advance what projects can be undertaken and what resources to dedicate to them. Every amount helps. A reliable regular donation from your workplace at the end of each week or month is all a charity needs to help them strategise for the future.

What are the benefits of workplace giving?

When you donate to ChildFund via workplace giving, your donations will go towards a range of different types of initiatives. Not only will you help to give children around the world an education, but you’ll also help provide improved healthcare, protect children from violence, and keep children safe from emergencies. Big or small, regular workplace giving is vital for charities to make a powerful impact.

How does workplace giving work?

What exactly happens with workplace giving, anyway? Let’s lay it out:

First of all, you choose how much you want to give from each payslip, pre-tax. Donating from the pre-tax amount means you get the tax deductions from your donation immediately. This means you don’t need to hold onto receipts to claim the tax back.

At the end of the year, your organisation’s payroll team will give you a statement laying out that year’s donations and your Group Certificate. When you donate from your pre-tax salary like this, you’ll pay less in your donation. Thus, workplace giving is a cost-effective way to help ChildFund Australia.

How can I get others interested in workplace giving?

So, you’ve seen the benefits of workplace giving and want to start. But how can you get the others in your workplace on board?

Well, giving starts from the top. So, you must get the bosses in your organisation interested in workplace giving to begin with. When the bosses are engaged with giving, they can help get the rest of the organisation excited about giving. For example, bosses can set goals about donating, like how many members of the business are involved with workplace giving or how much gets donated in a month.

But you also want to ensure that the whole organisation knows about workplace giving. You want employees to be able to discuss giving and share what they care about. As some people join the workplace giving scheme and start talking about it, more and more workers will typically become interested.

How can I get started with workplace giving?

So, we’ve established the benefits of workplace giving. But how can you get started with workplace giving?

The simplest way to sign up to workplace giving is to check with your organisation’s payroll team. Your payroll team may already have a workplace giving form. If so, the team can send this to you and nominate ChildFund Australia. 

How else can I help?

There are many benefits of workplace giving donations. However, there are plenty of other ways to help us with our work. 

By donating monthly, you can help us distribute food and resources to those affected by climate change. In addition, a monthly donation helps us form a plan to make a more significant difference in the future.

Alternatively, a one-off contribution also helps us in our work to help children around the world. You can also donate to our specific appeals, such as the Afghanistan Food Crisis Appeal or Ukraine Appeal.

With climate change causing natural disasters like flooding, droughts and famine, and ongoing and new conflict across the world, we’re working hard to combat resulting poverty and famine risks. We also help get children into education, as well as provide hygiene and sanitation.

You can also tell other businesses and organisations in your area about ChildFund Australia workplace giving. 

It happens every year – you make your New Year’s resolution, stick to it for a few days, and then, despite your best intentions, completely forget about it until next year. So, how about upgrading your New Year’s resolution this year? it’s time to choose a more meaningful goal to work towards!

This year, choose a goal that can help you and others and that you’ll enjoy – take a look at some of our favourite New Year’s resolution ideas for 2023.

What makes for a meaningful New Year’s resolution?

As the name suggests, meaningful New Year’s resolutions are those that are more helpful than your standard health and self-betterment New Year’s resolution ideas. These New Year’s resolutions not only improve you, but also the rest of the world.

A new charitable commitment such as fundraising, donating monthly throughout the year, or purchasing one of ChildFund’s Gifts for Good, is a fantastic New Year’s resolution idea. You can simultaneously work on your fitness and giving goals by signing up for a fundraising marathon or fitness challenge!

What are some meaningful New Year’s resolution ideas?

Here are a few of our top ideas for a meaningful New Year’s resolution in 2023:

1. Donate monthly to a charity that aligns with your values and ethics

What have you been into this past year? Maybe you’ve always loved cars, gaming, travelling, or spending time with friends. Perhaps you’ve even taken up a new hobby, like baking, running, or reading. Or are you more passionate about raising awareness of specific causes and events?

Whatever you care most about, there’s sure to be a charity that matches your own ethics and values. For example, here at ChildFund, we work in partnership with children, local organisations and communities to respond to humanitarian emergencies, make lasting change, and always promote children’s rights in alignment with Global Goals.

When you donate monthly, you can help provide a reliable source of income for a charity. This monthly donation means the charity can work on more significant projects, like building schools and helping more people, rather than just seeing what they can do every day.

This will be a meaningful New Year’s resolution that lasts all year.

2. Start a fundraiser – fundraise with Facebook

Now that the holiday season is nearly over, many people start planning and looking forward to the next big event in their lives. So, why not incorporate your celebrations into your New Year’s resolution?

Starting a fundraiser on Facebook can be a great way to get the buzz going around the event. You can remind your friends and family regularly by sharing or commenting on the fundraiser, and you can create a hashtag and start a group. Start your ChildFund fundraiser today!

3. Gifts for Good – switch out giving physical gifts

We’re all bored of socks, right? So, if you’re stumped for Christmas, Valentine’s day or birthday gift ideas next year – whether for yourself or someone else – why not give or request one of ChildFund’s Gifts for Good instead?

Our Gifts for Good range allows you to help provide things such as food for a month, a dairy goat, a handwashing station, a mosquito net or a dozen chickens to families and communities around the world. These presents truly are gifts that will keep giving for so many people.

4. Bequests and gifts in wills

It’s never too early to set up a gift in your will or bequest for a charity. When you know that you have a charity bequest or gift set up in your will, you can be confident that your money will go to a good cause, whatever happens in the future.

There are several ways that you can do this: a personal decision, a residual gift, a specific gift, or as an asset. A residual gift is the most effective option. This is where you set out a certain amount of your estate that you think is right, but you can still provide for your loved ones. You can also specify a specific amount. This amount will not grow or change unless you update your Will later.

You can leave an asset, too. An asset needs to be clearly described in your will. With your will being an important legal document, these options will require the help of an Estate Planner or Legal Practitioner. Alternatively, you can use an online will writing service like the Australian company, Willed.

There’s also the less complicated option of simply letting your family and friends know that you want to leave a gift for a children’s charity. Whatever option you choose, you’ll be making a big difference for years to come.

Updating your will as a meaningful New Year’s resolution is a fantastic New Year’s resolution to make, having a significant impact on the lives of those in need for years to come.