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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

Around the world, children are not living the childhood that they deserve, which is why ChildFund Australia has never been more important. We respond to the urgent needs of children now and work in partnership with children and their communities to create lasting change for the future.

There are many ways you can be a part of this work, but there’s one gift that will ensure we are there for children in need for generations to come… a gift in your will. It’s a simple and inexpensive process that can change lives. If you’re ready to consider the most important way to protect the future for children, please read on. 

What is a Gift in Will?

It’s a monetary gift written into your will for an organisation that you trust. It can be as simple as a few sentences outlining what you’re giving and an identifying name and ABN of the charity or charities you have chosen. 

A gift to ChildFund Australia will help provide resources for the most pressing needs of children in the future. This flexibility increases our capacity to respond to changing crises and priorities, such as emergency food assistance to communities in Kenya impacted by drought and climate change or children and families  caught up in new and ongoing conflict in Afghanistan and Ukraine. 

Why give?

 Whether it’s setting up safe places for play after natural disasters or prevention of violence for high-risk children and youth, your Gift in Will will make a visible, lasting impact.

Is writing a will expensive?

We have partnered with Gathered Here – Australia’s top-rated online Wills platform so that we can offer you the opportunity to write your will for free (plus free updates for life). It takes less than 10 minutes to create your legacy. 

How do you leave a Gift in your Will?

There are three main types of Gifts in Wills you can give to ChildFund and other charities: 

1. Give a residual gift

Nothing will affect this amount, but the amount will also not grow over time, though you can always update your Will in the future.

2. Give a specific amount

This is the most effective option where you specify a portion of your estate (after specific gifts are distributed and your debts are paid) that you want set aside for ChildFund.  This is a simple way to leave a gift that won’t interfere with any specific gifts to loved ones. It will also retain its value over time.

3. Give a percentage

This is a percentage of your entire estate to be left to ChildFund.

You’re invited to contact Jess Walker at jewalker@childfund.org.au or (02) 8281 3121 for confidential assistance, or for more information, visit our Gifts in Wills page.

What are some other ways to give to ChildFund?

If you’re not interested in a Gift in Will yet, here are some other ways to support ChildFund:

1. Donate monthly to a charity that aligns with your values

Here at ChildFund, we work in partnership with children, local organisations and communities to respond to humanitarian emergencies, make lasting change, and always promote children’s rights in alignment with Global Goals.

When you donate monthly, you can provide a reliable source of income for a charity. In addition, this monthly donation means the charity can work on more significant projects, like building schools and helping more people, rather than just seeing what they can do every day.

2. Gifts for Good – switch out giving physical gifts

We’re all tired of socks, right? So, if you’re stumped for Christmas, Valentine’s Day or birthday gift ideas this year – whether for yourself or someone else – why not give or request one of our Gifts for Good instead? Gifts for Good allow you to help provide food for a month, a dairy goat, a handwashing station, a mosquito net or a dozen chickens to families and communities worldwide. These presents are the gifts that will keep giving to so many people.

3. Start a Facebook birthday fundraiser

Now that the holiday season is nearly over, many people start planning and looking forward to the next big gathering in their lives – their birthday! So, why not incorporate your birthday celebrations into your new year’s resolution? Even if it’s very early, starting a fundraiser for your birthday on Facebook can be a great way to get the buzz going around the event. You can remind your friends and family every month or so by sharing or commenting on the fundraiser, and you can create a birthday hashtag and start a group. Start your ChildFund birthday fundraiser today!

What is Workplace Giving?

Workplace giving is one way to donate regularly to a charity you love. In addition, workplace giving is tax deductible, meaning you can contribute even more through your workplace.

The regular donations you can provide through workplace giving also mean that your chosen charity gets a greater chance to plan its projects and allocate resources ahead of time. Workplace giving contributions are a lot more reliable than the more common one-off donations.

What are the advantages of Workplace Giving?

Tax effective

There are numerous advantages to workplace giving. One benefit for your employer is that workplace giving is tax deductible. In addition, you contribute from your pre-tax salary when you donate through a workplace giving scheme. This means that you receive the tax benefit immediately, instead of waiting until the end of the financial year. 

Additionally, an employer often matches donations from staff. This means that your gift costs you less and also gets doubled! It allows both employees and employers to support a charity tax effectively. Thus, workplace giving can build a sense of pride, especially if employers encourage volunteering or hold fundraising events in support.

Workplace and workforce benefits

Tax benefits are just one of the many advantages of workplace giving. Another advantage of workplace giving is the benefits that it brings to your workplace. Not only does workplace giving increase social impact, but it also leads to improved staff engagement and gives your organisation a good reputation and an increased social impact.

A positive office culture is undeniably important in the workplace. Offering good services and products is also imperative. But did you know that workplace giving is also a great way to increase staff retention? More and more people are aware of the importance of good public initiatives and the need to improve welfare. In fact, 75% of millennial employees would prefer to work for a socially responsible company – even if they would get a lower salary!

Benefits for the charity

Why is workplace giving a good option for the charity itself? First, workplace giving means that the charity gets regular funds at a lower cost. Workplace giving also opens up new solid partnerships and offers access to valuable skills.

One advantage for the charity is improved visibility in the community. For example, when a company participates in a corporate giving programme, the charity they get involved with becomes more well-known. This gives them a greater chance of getting support from other volunteers and regular donors. Workplace giving also gives a charity a deeper relationship with the company. As a result, the charity and company can form a long-lasting relationship with sponsorships, partnerships, volunteering, and other events.

The cumulative benefit of this for the charity, is that they ultimately receive more funding. Not only does the charity get funding from the actual workplace giving scheme, but the increased visibility and other events mean a charity can receive even more reliable funding for years to come.

Customers see your organisation as socially responsible

When you shop, which businesses do you prefer? Do you choose to shop at large corporate businesses,  or do you try to support small, local shops that give back to the community?

Research shows that most people want to support responsible and ethical companies. People prefer companies that share their values, have strong opinions on social movements, and support causes they agree with. Giving in your workplace will likely attract more customers and make your organisation more reputable. 

View our article on Workplace Giving to find out more about how you can give through your workplace.

What are other ways to give?

Workplace giving is a highly effective way to give. It’s reliable and has plenty of advantages for you and your workplace. Nonetheless, it is just one of the many great ways to donate. 

Do you want to leave a legacy that matters and will make a real difference in the world? If you’re going to help us for years to come, leaving a gift in your will enables you to provide resources for children living in vulnerable situations. You’ll help children affected by natural disasters, conflict, and other issues. Your funding will allow them to receive an education, nutritious food, and a childhood they deserve.

Another way to provide reliable funding is by donating monthly. A monthly donation helps us shield people from the impact of climate change and distribute food and resources. In addition, monthly donations are a great way to allow us to plan and make a more significant difference.

You could also consider donating to one of our current appeals. Giving to one of our current appeals is the best way to get funds directly to where they need to be right now – for example, the Kenya Hunger Crisis or simply wherever it is needed most.