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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

Around the world, millions of children live in extreme poverty. No matter how smart they are or how much they may try to change their lives, the odds are still against them. Ongoing conflict and war are also creating widespread problems, while the consequences of climate change are also leading to increased natural disasters and crop failures. 

But what if you could do something about this? Making a monthly donation to a charity like ChildFund Australia is a brilliant way to create change in developing communities. When you donate you help children and their families in need all over the world. You can transform lives and enhance the future of those most affected.

Signing up to provide a monthly donation also provides a charity with the ability to estimate the funds available for upcoming projects. This supports the creation of more complex plans, allowing for a difference to be made on a global scale. 

A monthly donation to charity puts you in charge of what you give

A monthly charity donation means that you have more choice about what you give. Rather than a reaction to a campaign, a monthly donation to charity is an ongoing means of support. A regular gift like yours can help ChildFund Australia to fund our current child-focused appeals.

Making a monthly charity donation is also a flexible option. The amount you donate every month is entirely up to you, and you can change this amount at any moment if an adjustment to your budget or expenses is required. You’ll be creating real change in the world, in a way that best suits your means to contribute.

A monthly charity donation means you get to keep up to date with what we do

When you sign up to support ChildFund Australia with a monthly donation, we’ll keep you informed of where your money is going. We work hard to support children and families affected by poverty and conflict all over the world.

We’ll be sure to keep you regularly updated and you’ll see the impact your donations are having in transforming the lives and futures of countless children.

You can rest assured that you’re always doing your part

It’s easy to become busy or under pressure at certain times of the year. Whether it’s the holiday season or another important milestone, you may simply not have the additional funds to gift to charity. You can still feel like you’ve done your part however, by providing a smaller, more regular monthly donation throughout the year.

And of course, there’s always the option to make a one-off donation by purchasing one of our Gifts for Good when you do have the means. Either way, you can still create change that lasts.

It provides us with a reliable source of funding

Your monthly charity donation provides a steady, predictable income to plan for future projects. In addition, this regular source of income provides us with the confidence to commit to more complex projects, across a greater number of developing countries. 

At ChildFund Australia, we aim to assist in solving large global issues. We provide access to better healthcare, helping mothers and babies to survive childbirth. We provide access to food, safe running water and vaccinations. We help girls, children with disabilities and from ethnic minorities to get an education, improving school facilities. We help to keep children safe, dismantling systems that harm children. We also provide emergency relief.

All of these goals mean large scale projects that require significant funds. Without a regular source of income, such planning would be impossible. Your monthly donations help greatly with this planning. You could help make a difference for 1,000 children over the course of just one year.

Monthly donation to charity means fewer personal costs

Did you know that a monthly donation to charity can boost your tax return? Every donation to charity reduces your taxable income, providing you with personal financial benefits also. 

Unfortunately, not all charities qualify for this initiative  – only charities with a deductible gift recipient status (otherwise known as DGR) are considered. This term refers to a charity officially registered to receive tax-deductible gifts. As ChildFund Australia is a charity with DGR status, your regular or one-off donations over $2 will be eligible for tax deductibility.

Around the world, nearly 1 in 10 children are subjected to child labour every day, with some of these children being as young as 5 years old. The impact of COVID-19 has only increased these numbers, with an additional 9 million children now at risk – on top the 160 million children estimated to already be in child labour at the beginning of 2020.

With the numbers of children engaged in child labour worldwide increasing, it’s now more important that ever to raise awareness of this issue and to provide support to those countries where children are most vulnerable.

When is World Day Against Child Labour?

World Day Against Child Labour is on Sunday 12th June 2022.

What is World Day Against Child Labour?

Around the world, many children participate in daily labour. While some of this work is paid labour, for other children their efforts go unpaid. Work becomes child labour when the child that is employed is either too young to work, or the activities involved are detrimental to the child’s development and wellbeing. The problem of child labour only intensifies for children living in settings of humanitarian crisis, where it is far less likely for robust child protection policies and systems to be in place.

Domestic work such as being a nanny, caregiver, or housekeeper is the most typical form of child labour for girls. Work of this nature can unfortunately put girls at increased risk of domestic violence and child marriage, with limited access to support. One of the biggest consequences of child labour beyond the immediate physical danger, is that children are not able to attend school. This lack of educational opportunities means that the child will always have a life of low-paid manual labour, therefore perpetuating  the cycle of multigenerational poverty.

In many countries, workers’ rights, in general, are also not protected. This leads to poor economic conditions and low wages that necessitate sending children out to work alongside the adults, in order to supplement household income. Child labour puts these children at risk of physical harm, poisoning, economic and sexual exploitation, human trafficking, and even slavery.

World Day Against Child Labour highlights the need for children to be protected from the hazardous conditions of child labour, and the negative impact that this has on their early development. While child labour has decreased by 38% over the last decade as a whole, much more needs to be done with numbers now increasing in the context of COVID-19.

Why is World Day Against Child Labour held?

The International Labour Organization (ILO) launched the World Day Against Child Labour in 2002. Since then, the day has focussed attention on the prevalence of child labour throughout the world and on the action and efforts that are essential for it’s elimination.

The day is intended to serve as a catalyst for the growing worldwide movement against child labour, reflected in the large number of ramifications on the worst forms of child labour and the minimum age of employment.

The World Day Against Child Labour provides the opportunity to gain further support from individual governments in the countries most impacted, general society and the media in the fight to eliminate child labour worldwide.

What is the theme of World Day Against Child Labour 2022?

The theme for World Day Against Child Labour 2022 is “Universal Social Protection to End Child Labour”. To end child labour worldwide, we need more investment in universal social protection systems and an integrated and comprehensive approach to combatting this problem. 

That’s why this year’s theme focusses on just that – increasing investment in social protection systems and schemes, to establish social protection floors and protect children from child labour. Currently, nearly three-quarters of children internationally lack even one type of social protection – a vital layer of support to prevent families from resorting to child labour.

How can I support World Day Against Child Labour 2022?

There are several ways that you can provide support during this year’s World Day Against Child Labour:

Donate monthly

You can make a difference to children affected by child labour, by supporting their families through a monthly donation. Over the course of a year, you can empower up to 1,000 children to have a better life by shifting the forces that keep them in poverty. Month by month you’ll help to create change that you can see. Sign up now to provide a monthly donation now.

Create a Facebook fundraiser

Did you know that you can create a fundraiser on Facebook for ChildFund Australia? By setting up your own fundraiser, you can invite family and friends to donate to the Afghanistan Food Crisis Appeal or the Ukraine Emergency Appeal. Help support the World Day Against Child Labour by setting up your ChildFund Facebook fundraiser now.

Host a morning tea

This 12th of June, take some time to talk about the World Day Against Child Labour with your co-workers by setting up a morning tea fundraiser in your office or organisation. A staff member gold coin donation could be suggested, with the proceeds going to one of our current appeals to support children and families facing humanitarian crisis.

Together we can empower families and governments all over the world to speak out against child labour, and to implement the social protection policies needed to protect those most vulnerable.