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A Lost Childhood

Too many children are being forced to abandon their homes and school every single day. They live in poverty, risking their lives and futures simply to survive. 

By ChildFund Australia

Mary* was just a child when her world fell apart. At 12, she became the sole carer to her two younger brothers, David* and John*, after fleeing war-torn South Sudan. In less than a year, she had lost both her parents.

Every year, 43.3 million children around the world are displaced because of war and violence – nearly half are child refugees and asylum seekers. The trauma and loss they experience is unfathomable. Like so many children and young people in refugee camps, Mary, now 17, has already experienced tragedy.

Help protect children

“There was war in South Sudan. That’s why we came to the [Palorinya] camp,” recalls Mary, who escaped with her family to northern Uganda five years ago. “My father died when I was younger.”
Mary’s father was killed in South Sudan’s conflict and upheaval, which saw armed groups commit rape and sexual violence, destroy property, rob entire villages, and recruit children into their ranks. Mary's mother, seeking safety, fled with her children to the Palorinya refugee camp across the border.
“We came on foot to Palorinya and were given a plot of land to live on,” says Mary.

A refugee camp is a hard, dangerous place to be a child


At Palorinya, Mary and her family were assigned a small plot of land on which to construct a housing compound and raise a small vegetable garden. It was safer than a conflict zone, but the family faced extreme poverty. They lived in a shelter with one mattress and their monthly rations of beans, flour, salt, and oil didn’t feed one person, let alone four.

Soon after the family’s arrival in the camp, however, Mary’s mother returned to South Sudan. “She went back to our farm, but we have not been in touch. We only heard that she re-married when she returned to South Sudan,” says Mary, who has spent most of her childhood as her family’s caregiver.

Mary’s story is common across Palorinya, where more than 122,000 South Sudanese refugees face a daily battle to survive. It is not unusual for parents in these communities to leave camp in search of food or work opportunities, sometimes for long periods of time. While many return, this is not always the case. For children, this means fending for themselves and taking on responsibilities far beyond their years.

How your donation can help


Mary is one of thousands of children and young people who have been displaced in Uganda and who are living without adequate food, care and shelter. Many live in constant fear and uncertainty of what the future holds.

The donations of ChildFund supporters in Australia and around the world are helping to provide three Child Friendly Spaces in the Palorinya refugee camp where children can learn, dream and stay safe from violence as they navigate their new life. Each space includes a classroom, toilet and playground.

ChildFund-trained male community leaders and members in Palorinya are also helping to protect the rights of girls and keep watch for at-risk children in the camp. The Male Action Group has had a life-changing impact on Mary, who received a visit from her local group two years ago.

“The group advised me to return to school,” recalls Mary. “They told me that while things are hard now that I would have a brighter future if I can just complete my education. I know now that education is important to me because no one else is helping us. If I do not study, who is going to help me?”
After discovering her living conditions, the Male Action Group also built a second house on Mary’s small plot of land so she could finally have privacy and a space of her own.

Throughout Palorinya, there are so many more children like Mary at risk of the violence and exploitation that are rife in the camp. More support is needed to sustain the Child Friendly Spaces and help protect children and young people. Now that Mary is in school, she can’t work as much, which has severely affected her ability to afford food and, consequently, focus on her studies.

Build more safe spaces

“During school days, we don’t have breakfast,” says Mary, adding that porridge is a special treat, reserved for weekends and only if they have flour. “I do well in some lessons because I have learned to adapt to this situation, but it affects my performance in class. If I had the opportunities that other children had, I think I would perform very well.”

Life in the refugee camp is still a struggle for Mary and her brothers. But they feel safer, are attending school regularly, and finally believe that things will get better.

Your support can help children and young people pursue their dreams and have the childhood they deserve.

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*Names have been changed to protect individuals’ identities.

“It’s hard to imagine my life without digital technology now. It has become an essential part of my daily routine, connecting me to the world and my friends.” – Pypo, 16

Growing up in a digital world means children today face new, constantly evolving challenges to their health and wellbeing. From cyberbullying, exposure to explicit content or grooming, identify theft, and too much screen time, there are an increasing number of risks for children and young people online.

In Laos, teens like Pypo, a 16-year-old student from Sayabouly Province, are learning to protect themselves online while developing life skills for a brighter and safer future. Pypo participated in the ChildFund-supported National Children’s Forum, an opportunity that provided him with the resources and space to think critically about how he spends his time online, learn digital and life skills, and vocalise issues affecting children and young people in his community.   

Across the three-day event, children and young people participate in activities and training sessions, discuss their digital habits and healthy internet usage, and are encouraged to share their new skills and knowledge with friends and their communities. For Pypo, participating in the forum – and learning more about online safety – was an easy decision.

“It’s hard to imagine my life without digital technology. It’s become an essential part of my day, just connecting me to my friends and the world,” he explained, adding that it was important to balance his time online and understand what safe internet usage looks like.

“During the pandemic, online classes kept me updated with schoolwork and I could continue learning at home. But there are negatives; digital media can mean widespread dissemination of fake news, causing harm to people and society. To use digital technology safely, I always verify the accuracy and reliability of news sources before sharing information. I do this by checking an article or blog’s credentials and reputation,” said Pypo.

Pypo takes the mic to share his thoughts and experiences about online safety at the National Children’s Forum in Laos.

Group discussions at the forum also focused on the role everyone plays in making our digital world safer. The availability of new technologies and a lack of digital skills and regulations means that children and young people are more vulnerable to potential harm online. To help protect children’s digital rights and safety, it’s important to have greater awareness and support from children’s families and their communities. They should have the knowledge and skills to support the health and wellbeing of children navigating their online environment, said Lunny, a 17-year-old student from Savannakhet Province who participated in the discussion group.

“Technology plays a vital role in our society, but some people misuse it. They might use social media to bully and criticise others, which can severely affect a person’s mental health and wellbeing,” he said.

“To address this problem, I believe that children should have resources on how to deal with cyberbullying and mental health. These resources could include hotlines, support groups, and counselling services. By doing so, we can create a positive online environment where people can connect and engage in healthy interactions without the fear of being bullied.”

“Technology plays a vital role in our society, but some people misuse it. They might use social media to bully and criticise others, which can severely affect a person’s mental health and wellbeing.”

Lunny, 17

Traditionally, children’s voices in Laos have not been given serious attention, particularly in the public sphere of decision-making. That’s what makes opportunities such as the National Children’s Forum, an annual event co-hosted by ChildFund in Laos and the National Commission for the Advancement of Women and Mothers-Children (NCAWMC), so unique. For young people like Pypo it can be a life-changing experience – a chance to learn more about advocacy, leadership skills, and how to build resiliency online and offline.

“Attending the Children’s Forum was important to me because I saw it as an opportunity to develop myself,” explained Pypo. “It inspired me to try new things and step out of my comfort zone. As a result, I have become more confident in sharing my opinions, even in front of large audiences.”

ChildFund acknowledges the support of the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).