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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

Every child has the right to a childhood free from violence. Yet, worldwide, children remain vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, often from those closest to them. WHO (World Health Organisation) reports that up to 1 billion children worldwide, aged 2–17 years, have experienced physical, sexual, emotional violence or neglect in the past year. The impact of violence so early in life can be devastating to a child’s health and wellbeing, and can last long into adulthood.

But violence against children can be prevented.

We’re working to create supportive communities in the countries where we operate, supporting them with the necessary skills and resources to respond effectively in situations where children are at risk. Our goal is to protect the rights and safety of children living in vulnerable circumstances.

Empowering communities to speak out against violence

Children living in rural Cambodia face many challenges, often at the same time. From malnutrition and child labour, including human trafficking, to poor access to schools and harmful views about gender, too many young kids are being left behind, violated and forced to grow up way too fast.

Violence has long been seen as an effective parenting strategy in Cambodia. When children’s parents are away at work, they are, for example, left in the hands of neighbours or elderly community members who may use violence against them. Due to this long-standing belief and cultural norms, experiences of child abuse incidents have traditionally been kept under wraps. Keeping silent about abuse has been a way of saving face (to prevent prejudice or a negative public perception of their families) – until now.

ChildFund Australia is helping to break the silence surrounding child abuse in Cambodia. We’ve collaborated with WOMEN (Women Organisation for Modern Economy and Nursing) and local authorities to train parents, carers and children on child abuse prevention, the rights of children, how to report abuse, and other related topics.

As a part of the project, billboards and posters were installed in the communities, displaying phone numbers and helplines for the relevant local authorities and police. These serve as large-scale reminders that no abuser will be forgiven by the law, and have helped communities to report cases quickly. They are also helping to ensure that offenders are held accountable for their actions and are discouraged from committing further acts of abuse.

A billboard displaying phone numbers and helplines for the relevant local authorities and police to help combat child abuse in rural Cambodia.

Supporting victims of abuse

While some parents or caregivers may strive to create a safe and positive home environment for their children, this is not always the reality for all households. This was the case for one family in a remote community in Cambodia, where a father was abusing his daughter. The mother of the young girl says that violence was a norm in their household but that a culture of silence had left her in the dark about what was happening behind closed doors.  

“Since I gave birth to my last child, my husband has become irrationally angry with me, which caused me to distrust him,” recalls the girl’s mother. One night, she witnessed her husband sleeping with their daughter. The mother reported the situation to the village vice-chief, who had received training from ChildFund and had paid visits to homes in the community, encouraging people to report any child-related issues. The mother says that her daughter had been too afraid to confide in her. “My daughter didn’t tell me anything until the police arrested her father because she was afraid that he would kill her,” she says.

“I’ve noticed that about 50% of the kids in my neighborhoodespecially the ethnic children —are victims of parental neglect, rape, and domestic violence. For example, they aren’t sent to school or are left at home, exposed to potential harm.”

Chakrya, 23

The trauma for children, young people and families affected by this crime can be devastating. For the young girl, the nightmare of her experience does not end just because her father is now behind bars. It can cause lasting psychological harm. Social workers trained by ChildFund and our partners are helping to provide support to survivors and their families. 

Chakrya, is a 23-year-old social worker who provided counselling to the young girl. Through the ChildFund-supported training program Chakrya has learnt about child rights, case management and positive parenting, as well as other administration skills to serve her community. Taking part in the training program was an eye-opening experience for Chakyra, who has since become more attuned to violence in her community.  “I’ve noticed that about 50% of the kids in my neighborhoodespecially the ethnic children —are victims of parental neglect, rape, and domestic violence. For example, they aren’t sent to school or are left at home, exposed to potential harm,” she says.

Life after violence

With the knowledge and skills learnt through her training, Chakrya was able to support the young girl’s case and provide effective counselling and take action to protect her wellbeing.   

“When I first went to see her, she was silent and didn’t respond to any of my questions,” recalls Chakyra, adding that the young girl was five months pregnant when they first met. “I worked with government officials to provide the necessary medical and legal assistance to the young girl, so she was able to get an abortion safely at the local health centre.”

The young girl no longer lives in her family home – a place now tainted by memories of her abuse. With the support of ChildFund, she has received a scholarship, which covers room and board, to pursue her education at a school far removed from her community. The young girl’s mother says she is thankful her daughter can continue her education and have the childhood she deserves. “Knowing that my daughter is safe and can focus on her studies, make new friends and think about her future is a huge relief – it means everything to me.”

Learn more about our work in Cambodia.

Vietnam’s National Child Helpline (NCHL) has been instrumental in prioritising child protection across the country since its launch in 2004. The helpline receives over 500,000 calls annually and has recently upgraded its dedicated app, ‘App 111’ or ‘Tong dai 111’, to reach more communities and enhance its ability to keep children safe.

Vietnam’s dedicated safety app, App 111, is helping to protect children from harm.

Luu (11), from Hoa Binh province, says she feels much safer knowing that she can ask for help with just a click of a button: “It’s like I have another friend to protect me. I use the app to report issues such as bullying or violence. Plus, it’s really easy to use.”

Luu’s friend, Hai (11), says the app has taught them important safety skills, such as ways to deal with conflict, prevent abuse and who to contact if they feel unsafe or see a friend being bullied.

“I can now recognise and stand up for my rights and my friends as well. I have more tools to deal with tricky situations,” explains Hai.

The National Child Helpline has 32 counsellors who work in three shifts, 24 hours a day, to handle a continuous stream of calls related to child protection. However, the volume of calls can be a challenge, and the lack of communication channels and information-sharing platforms makes it difficult to coordinate with local authorities to resolve and support child protection cases.

“I can now recognise and stand up for my rights and my friends as well. I have more tools to deal with tricky situations.”

Hai, 11

To address these challenges, ChildFund Vietnam, together with the Department of Child Affairs, has made important upgrades to App 111 to strengthen and expand the country’s Child Protection System and Service for children and their families. New additions include functions such as the document library where users can access materials focused on child online safety skills and how to prevent child abuse, plus a phone book with contacts of people who can support children and users. AI has also been introduced with a chatbot interacting with users (in the future the callbot function will be added to assist calls).

Vietnam’s National Child Helpline’s dedicated mobile app, ‘App 111’ or ‘Tong dai 111’, is helping children protect themselves against harm and report any safety concerns.

Ms. Thao, the Deputy Head of the National Child Helpline, says the upgrade is a significant step forward in improving the performance and features of the Helpline system: “The changes have created a better user experience and improved our working processes.”

“This app is great! Other than reporting concerns about children, my children and I have also gained child protection knowledge and skills through the document library.”

Mr. Luan

App 111 is not only an invaluable aid to children and Helpline staff, but also to carers and parents like Mr. Luan, who lives in the Kim Boi district, Hoa Binh province.

“This app is great! Other than reporting concerns about children, my children and I have also gained child protection knowledge and skills through the document library,” says Mr. Luan.

In addition to upgrades to App 111, new case management software is gradually demonstrating the power of technology in enhancing the effectiveness of child protection work. Ms. Phuong, a Social Work Officer in Kim Boi district, says the case management software has helped streamline their documentation process.

“It’s much more practical. Instead of sending hard copies of documents, as was traditionally done, the software allows users to export data and store files of current and past cases,” she explains. “Now, I can easily monitor the status of cases and generate reports when required.”

The Department of Child Affairs will continue to enhance and expand Helpline’s App 111 and case management software to help create a safer and brighter future for children across Vietnam.

You can read more about the Helpline app here.