The right to protection
Worldwide an estimated 1 billion children experience regular physical punishment, about 120 million girls are subject to sexual assault, 100,000 children annually are victims of homicide and one in three children report being bullied.
Reducing violence is not only imperative to alleviate children’s suffering but also key to ending extreme child poverty.
Every child should have a childhood where they feel safe and protected. ChildFund believes every child has the right to live without fear.
ChildFund believes we should not close our eyes to child violence. We want every child to be able to say: “I am safe.”
ChildFund helps local communities to keep children safe from harm, and works to strengthen child protection systems and services.
ChildFund provides emergency humanitarian assistance in times of disaster, both natural and man-made, and is committed to accelerating the achievement of Global Goal 16.2: to end all violence and exploitation of children.
The right to opportunity
While access to education has increased, too many children are not achieving minimum standards in literacy and numeracy. Early childhood care and education are lacking, secondary enrolment rates remain low, and the opportunity to take part in non-formal education and arts, sports and creative activities is unavailable to most young people.
Every child should have a childhood where they can play, learn and grow. ChildFund believes every child should have access to education and opportunity. ChildFund believes a child who is given access to opportunity can make a vital contribution to their family, community and society.
We want every child to be able to say: “I am educated.”
ChildFund implements projects to give children access to school, acquire essential skills in literacy and numeracy, and enjoy child-friendly learning environments free from violence.
ChildFund also provides opportunities for play, sport, arts and recreation, to build their capabilities for the future.