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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

Include a gift in your Will to help ensure more children have the childhood they deserve.

A gift in your Will

One of the most impactful ways you can support children is by pledging a gift in your Will to ChildFund Australia. It won’t cost anything now, but it will help more children have the childhood they deserve.

Write your Will for free

Why give?

A Gift in Will allows ChildFund Australia to prioritise health, safety and education for children who will most need our help. Together, we can help them have a future in which they can thrive, rather than survive. Every gift left in a Will produces a chain reaction: your legacy will pass on to the next generation and have a lasting impact on making this world a better place for children in disadvantaged communities.

5 Steps to a gift in your Will 

heart-iconStep 1. Talk to your loved ones

Choosing to include ChildFund Australia in your Will continues your legacy, as a partner to achieve positive outcomes for children.

heart-iconStep 2. Decide what gift to leave
      • A residual gift – This is the most effective option where you specify a portion of your estate (after specific gifts are distributed and your debts are paid) that you want set aside for ChildFund. This is a simple way to leave a gift that won’t interfere with any specific gifts to loved ones. It will also retain its value over time.
      • A specific amount – Nothing will affect this amount, but the amount will also not grow over time, though you can always still update your Will in the future.
      • A percentage – This is a percentage of your estate to be left to ChildFund.
heart-iconStep 3. Get the help of a professional
  • If your financial and personal situation is not complex, we recommend using our partner Gathered Here — Australia’s top online Wills platform. Here is your opportunity to write your Will for free (plus free updates for life). It takes less than 10 minutes to create your legacy.


  • If you need more detailed estate planning support, we suggest contacting a local solicitor or public trustee so that your paperwork is in order. Here’s how simple it is! All you or your solicitor needs is our name and ABN: ChildFund Australia / ABN: 79 002 885 761. Or if you prefer, here is some useful language to use.
heart-iconStep 4. Make your Will

No matter the size, your gift in Will is a step closer to a world where all children and young people can say: “I am safe. I am educated. I contribute. I have a future”.


heart-iconStep 5. help us to ensure your vision for the future is fulfilled by letting us know

Once your Will is completed or amended, it would be greatly appreciated if you could let us know. This will significantly help with tracking our resources and make realistic assessments when putting in place projects for children who most need your help.

How to amend your Will

If you have already written your Will, the easiest way to make a gift to ChildFund Australia is to add a codicil – a short legal amendment – to you Will. This can be organised with a phone call or email to your solicitor, followed by a visit to their office to finalise the amendment and sign the codicil.

Welcome to Healthy Futures Fund!

The Healthy Futures Fund unites you with other supporters to fund solutions to the most pressing issues affecting children. Through collective giving, your dollars are multiplied by institutional funding, then invested to transform communities where children live.

Once you’ve completed your Will, please let us know so we can welcome you!

Request more information

    Are you a ChildFund supporter?

    We respect your privacy and decision to make a gift provision in your Will. We respect that you can always change your mind, that your family and loved ones will always come first. We will treat your gift with the respect and sensitivity it deserves. We will keep you and your family updated on our work and how your gift will help achieve a world where children are protected and have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    If you make a gift provision in your Will to ChildFund Australia, you are giving a designated financial amount or percentage of your estate, in cash, property, securities or other assets, to help fund programs that ensure children in need around the world have a childhood. Leaving a gift to a charity in your Will is often called a bequest.

    Leaving a gift in your Will to ChildFund Australia is one of the most thoughtful ways to support vulnerable communities into the future. Your gift shows foresight and commitment, but we understand it can be a private matter. If you do let us know about your gift, we can properly prepare to receive it, and plan ahead. We would also love to express our appreciation, keep you up to date with our work and invite you and your family to relevant special events.

    ChildFund Australia is honoured to have the trust and support of people like you. Every gift, no matter how small or large, makes a difference and is greatly appreciated.

    ChildFund Australia is registered as a Deductible gift Recipient. Provided that your gift brings no material or tangible benefits to you under the rules specified by the Australian Taxation Office, monetary or other gifts to ChildFund Australia are generally allowable for deductions for Australian income tax purposes. Donors should, however, seek independent advice from their legal and/or taxation advisor.

    A gift in your Will is generally unassigned as this helps us provide funding for the most pressing needs in the future. Greater flexibility increases our capacity to respond to children in crisis and changing needs and priorities. It is often beneficial for a benefactor to have a personal discussion with ChildFund Australia’s Philanthropy & Planned Giving Executive about a bequest intention to ensure that ChildFund Australia can execute the gift according to the benefactor’s wishes.