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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

When crucial healthcare is out of reach,
a mother’s love and determination may not be enough to save her child.

Your donation will go to where it’s most needed and could be used across these vital initiatives:

Calculate your tax benefit

Enter your donation amount to estimate your potential tax benefit.

If you donate


On a before tax income of


The actual cost of your donation is

$xx.xx a xxxx

Because you save

$xx.xx a year on tax

This table is based upon 2020-2021 ATO individual Income Tax rates. The above rates do not include the Medicare Levy of 2%. The exact level of your tax deductibility will vary depending on your present financial circumstances. Please seek assistance from an independent taxation professional for formal guidelines.

“I am worried I will lose one of my children.” – Mary, Jenny’s mother

Six-year-old Jenny’s (pictured, left) entire street was burnt down two years ago. Her family lives in the shell of their home, in Papua New Guinea’s sprawling capital city, Port Moresby.

Infectious disease spreads like wildfire in Port Moresby, where immunisation rates are low, and many people live in overcrowded, poverty-stricken communities with shared facilities and poor sanitation.

Determined parents like Jenny’s mother, Mary, do everything they can to protect their children. But chronic malnutrition and lack of healthcare mean children like Jenny are under constant threat from life-threatening diseases.

Jenny is already battling tuberculosis (TB). Now, during the COVID-19 pandemic, her life is more at risk than ever.

“When I got sick, I was coughing, and my stomach was big. Mum told me if I don’t take medicine, I will get sick and die. I am worried about that.” – Jenny

Every child needs a childhood and no child should spend theirs battling life-threatening infectious disease.

The impact of a progressive, debilitating disease like TB, polio and measles can affect a child like Jenny for the rest of her life, disrupting her schooling and preventing her from breaking the cycle of poverty.

Her weakened health and immune system also leave her highly vulnerable to COVID-19.

The world’s most vulnerable children need your support now, more than ever. Children living in extreme poverty in Papua New Guinea, where the health system was already stretched beyond capacity before the COVID-19 pandemic began, are at a higher risk than ever before.

COVID-19 isn’t the only infectious disease threatening PNG

“Right now, we need your support more than ever before to help prevent the spread of infectious disease.

Health systems are already overstretched, and many children are already weakened by illnesses like TB, making them especially vulnerable to COVID-19.”


Children in PNG are more than 12 times less likely to reach their fifth birthday than children in Australia.

There are many reasons for this shocking fact,

1 in 2 children under five has stunted growth due to chronic malnutrition. This weakens their health and immunity leaving them highly prone to infection.

PNG has a critical shortage of health workers – just one health worker for every 2,000 people.

Recent outbreaks of measles and polio overwhelmed PNG’s health system. Routine vaccinations were interrupted, paving the way for further outbreaks.

The deadly additional threat of COVID-19

Mothers like Mary (pictured) already face extreme difficulties accessing medical care when their children are sick. An outbreak of COVID-19 would totally obliterate
PNG’s overstretched healthcare system. Many immunisation programs have been suspended during this crisis, so children are more susceptible
than ever to life-threatening disease.

Children like Jenny also face other serious risks as a result of COVID-19. Schools have closed, and many children may never return. Food is scarce, due to disrupted supply chains and lockdown laws. We are deeply concerned about the impact this will have on already malnourished children.

How you can help protect children like Jenny

ChildFund has been on the ground in PNG for more than 20 years. We work in close partnership with local governments and communities by supporting healthcare systems and filling gaps in services.

We have experts with ties throughout the community, who are trusted by all our partners. This has only been possible thanks to the generous support of people like you.

These are effective, proven, practical solutions. We need your help to bring them to every child who needs them.


Your vital support will help to:

  • Train more urgently needed healthcare workers
  • Provide essential medical supplies and personal protective equipment
  • Print and distribute crucial information on COVID-19 to flatten the curve
  • Run community hygiene demonstrations to help prevent the spread of infectious disease

Where your money goes

82 cents

in every dollar goes directly to helping children in poverty

Almost 23 million

children and families being supported in 70 countries

See what life is like for Jenny as she fights both poverty and illness.

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    If you’re filing your tax return for the first time, have never claimed donations or donated at all, you’re probably wanting to know more about how you can claim donations to charity on your taxes. We’ve answered some of the most important questions about tax deductible donations below.

    Tax deductible donations are about giving back, to get back. Donating to ChildFund Australia will help children in urgent need of support. You’ll be helping the most vulnerable children across South East Asia and Africa, and you yourself will be able to receive a greater refund on your tax return.

    You can submit any tax deductible donation over $2 as part of your tax return.

    You can only claim for donations which are monetary gifts, given without the promise of something in return. Raffle tickets, charity chocolates, events and other donations of this kind, are not tax deductible.

    At ChildFund, all regular giving donations over $2 are tax deductible including child sponsorship, community sponsorship and donations to appeals. A few donation categories are not tax deductible, for example, birthday gifts to your sponsored child and are not included on your annual tax receipt.